For the purposes of this chapter, the City of Cologne is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
   (A)   A  Agriculture;
   (B)   R-1  Single-Family Detached Residential District;
   (C)   R-2  Single-Family Attached Residential District;
   (D)   R-3  Multiple-Family Residential District;
   (E)   PUD  Planned Unit Development District;
   (F)   C-1  Convenience Commercial District;
   (G)   C-2  Central Business District;
   (H)   C-3  General Commercial District;
   (I)   I-1  Industrial Park District;
   (J)   P/I  Public/Institutional District DO Downtown Overlay District; and
   (K)   SO  Shoreland Overlay District.
(Ord. 150, passed 2-22-2000; Ord. passed 3- -2007)