(A)   Purpose and intent. These districts are designed to provide suitable areas for mobile home park residential development where appropriate urban services and facilities will be physically and economically feasible. These districts will be characterized by single family mobile home dwellings in mobile home parks and accessory structures. These districts also include community facilities, public utilities and open uses which serve the residents of these districts.
   (B)   Uses and structures.
      (1)   Principal permitted uses and structures. For specific uses allowed, refer to the table in § 151.021.
      (2)   Permitted accessory uses and structures. For specific accessory uses allowed, refer to the table in § 151.025.
      (3)   Conditional uses. For specific uses allowed, refer to the table in § 151.021.
      (4)   Prohibited uses. Any use not allowed by right, by accessory or by conditional use is prohibited in the T Mobile Home Park Residential District. (See also § 151.021.)
   (C)   Bulk regulations. For bulk regulations, which include minimum lot area, minimum lot width at the building line, and maximum height, refer to the table in § 151.027.
   (D)   Yard requirements.
      (1)   General provisions. General provisions applicable to all residential districts concerning visibility at intersections, permitted obstructions in required yards, obstructions prohibited at street intersections, exceptions to these provisions and other regulations are contained in § 151.005.
      (2)   Basic provisions. For yard requirements, which include setbacks for front, side, and rear yards, refer to the table in § 151.027.
   (E)   Special provisions for mobile homes. Due to the unique characteristics of mobile homes, the following restrictions are applied in order to eliminate the adverse effects of such structures and at the same time permit such structures as an alternative form of housing.
      (1)   Mobile homes shall be permitted only in those locations designed on the Collierville Zoning Map as T Mobile Home Park Residential Districts. No traditional housing units shall be permitted in these districts in order to prevent a mixture of the two types of structures.
      (2)   All mobile homes permitted under this section shall be set upon concrete blocks or steel piers which are constructed upon a concrete footing, and each mobile home shall be anchored with approved anchors.
      (3)   The Board of Appeals may require other conditions as needed in order to protect the inhabitants of the mobile home and preserve the character of the district.
   (F)   Regulations for establishment of mobile home parks.
      (1)   Licenses and license fees.
         (a)   No mobile home may be located in the Town of Collierville unless the same shall be in an approved and duly licensed mobile home park.
         (b)   It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or operate within the corporate limits of the Town of Collierville any mobile home park unless such person shall first obtain a license for that park.
         (c)   Licenses shall not be transferable.
         (d)   The annual license fee for each mobile home park shall be equal to but not greater than the amount allowed by the state business tax.
         (e)   The license shall be conspicuously posted in the office of or on the premises of the mobile home park at all times.
      (2)   Application for license. Applications for a mobile home license shall be filed with and issued by the Building Inspector. Applications shall be in writing signed by the applicant and shall contain the following:
         (a)   The name and address of the applicant;
         (b)   The location and legal description of the mobile home park;
         (c)   A complete plan of the park showing compliance with division (E) and (G)(4) of this section.
         (d)   Plans and specifications of all buildings and other improvements constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park. The sketch shall be drawn to scale showing the number and arrangement of mobile home lots, roadways, water supply, water outlets, location and type of sewage, liquid and garbage disposal and location of other facilities.
         (e)   Such further information as may be requested by the Building Inspector to enable him or her to determine if the proposed park will comply with legal requirements. The application and all accompanying plans and specifications shall be filed in triplicate. The Building Inspector, the Health Office and the Mayor shall investigate the applicant and inspect the proposed plans and specifications. If the proposed mobile home park will be in compliance with all provisions of this chapter, the Building Inspector shall approve the application and upon completion of the park according to the plans shall issue the license.
      (3)   Revocation of license. The Health Officer shall make periodic inspection of the park to insure compliance with this chapter. In case of noncompliance with any provisions of this chapter, the Health Officer shall serve warning to the licensee. Thereafter, upon failure of the licensee to remove the violation, the Health Officer shall recommend to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen revocation of the license. The Town Board shall hold a hearing on the matter, and upon determination of noncompliance, revoke the license. The license may be reissued if the circumstances leading to revocation have been remedied and the park can be maintained and operated in full compliance with the law.
      (4)   Specification for Mobile Home Park Plan. The mobile home park shall conform to the following requirements:
         (a)   The park shall be located on a well drained site, properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water;
         (b)   The minimum required lot area for a mobile home park shall be five acres;
         (c)   Mobile home spaces shall be clearly defined and mobile homes parked so that there will be at least 15 feet of clear space between mobile homes or any accessory structure, such as a garage or 15 feet between mobile homes and any buildings or structures, and at least five feet from any mobile home park property line. No mobile home shall be located closer than 30 feet to any public street or highway.
         (d)   The minimum plot size for an individual mobile home in the mobile home park shall be 4,500 square feet.
         (e)   The minimum yard requirements for all individual mobile home plots in the mobile home park are:
            1.   Front yards for individual mobile home plots shall be a minimum of 25 feet;
            2.   Side yards for individual mobile home plots shall be a minimum of ten feet;
            3.   Rear yards for individual mobile home plots shall be a minimum of 15 feet.
         (f)   All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a driveway of not less than 30 feet in width which shall have unobstructed access to a public street. All driveways shall be lighted at night with 25 candle power per square foot.
         (g)   Paved walkways not less than four feet wide shall be provided from the mobile home spaces to the service buildings. The walkways shall be lighted at night with 60 watt lamps at intervals of 100 feet approximately 15 feet from the ground.
         (h)   An electric outlet supplying at least 100 - 220 volts shall be provided for each mobile home space and shall be weatherproof and accessible to the parked mobile home. All electrical installations shall be in compliance with the National Electrical Code and Tennessee Department of Insurance and Banking Regulations No. 15, entitled “Regulations Relating to Electrical Installations in the State of Tennessee,” and shall satisfy all requirements of the electric service organization.
         (i)   An adequate supply of water under pressure from a source and of a quality approved by the Tennessee Department of Public Health shall be provided; where possible, approved municipal water supplies shall be used. Water shall be piped to each mobile home lot. Adequate water supply for fire protection must be provided.
         (j)   Liquified petroleum gas for cooking purposes shall not be used at individual mobile home spaces unless the containers are properly connected by copper or other suitable metallic tubing. Liquified petroleum gas cylinders shall be securely fastened in place and adequately protected from the weather. No cylinder containing liquified petroleum gas shall be located in a mobile home, nor within five feet of a door thereof.
         (k)   Waste from laundries shall be discharged into a public sewer in compliance with applicable ordinances or into a private sewer disposal plant in such manner to conform to the specifications of the Health Officer. All kitchen sinks, washbasins, bath or shower tubs in any mobile home in any park shall empty into the sanitary sink drain located on the mobile home space. Mobile home parks within 300 feet of the municipal sewer shall connect to it, with approved and properly sized lines.
         (l)   Refuse storage, collection and disposal shall be in accordance with other regulations and ordinances of the Town of Collierville.
         (m)   The mobile home park shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the fire prevention authorities having jurisdiction.
         (n)   No permanent additions of any kind shall be built onto, nor become a part of, any mobile home. All mobile homes shall be set upon concrete blocks or steel piers which are constructed upon a concrete footing, and each mobile home shall be anchored with approved anchors.
         (o)   All service buildings, mobile homes, mobile home spaces and the grounds of the park shall be maintained in a clean, sightly condition and kept free of any conditions that will menace the health of any occupant or the public or constitute a nuisance.
      (5)   Register of occupants. It shall be the duty of the licensee to keep a register containing a record of all mobile home owners and occupants located within the park. The register shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Name and address of each occupant;
         (b)   The make, model and year of all mobile homes;
         (c)   License number and owner of each mobile home;
         (d)   The state issuing such license;
         (e)   The dates of arrival and departure of each mobile home. The park shall keep the register available for inspection at all times by law enforcement officers, public health officials and other officials whose duties necessitate acquisition of the information contained in the register. The register records shall not be destroyed for a period of three years following the date of registration.
(`00 Code, § 11-407) (Ord. 95-11, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2001-06, passed 4-9-01; Am. Ord. 2008-20, passed 11-10-08; Am. Ord. 2011-01, passed 3-14-11; Am. Ord. 2011-02, passed 3-14-11; Am. Ord. 2016-06, passed 6-27-16)