(A)   Residential zoning districts.
Zone District
Minimum Lot Size
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Height [2]
Setbacks [5]
Zone District
Minimum Lot Size
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Height [2]
Setbacks [5]
Forest Agriculture Residential
Single-family detached
5 acres
350 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   100 ft.
Rear:      75 ft.
Side:      150 ft. total, neither side less than 75 ft.
Large Lot/Estate
Single-family detached
2 acres
250 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   60 ft.
Rear:      50 ft.
Side:      100 ft. total, neither side less than 50 ft.
Large Lot
Single-family detached
1 acre
150 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   50 ft.
Rear:      40 ft.
Side:      25 ft.
Low Density
Single-family detached
25,000 sq. ft.
125 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   50 ft.
Rear:      35 ft.
Side:      15 ft.
Low Density
Single-family detached
15,000 sq. ft.
100 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   40 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Side:      25 ft. total, neither side less than 10 ft.
Low Density
Single-family detached
12,600 sq. ft.
90 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   40 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Side:      25 ft. total, neither side less than 10 ft.
Medium Density
Single-family detached
11,250 sq. ft.
90 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   30 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Side:      20 ft. total, neither side less than 7.5 ft.
R- 2A
Medium Density
Single- family detached
10,000 sq. ft.
80 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   30 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Side:      15 ft. total, neither side less than 7.5 ft.
High Density
Single-family detached and duplex
Single-family detached: 9,000 sq. ft.
Single-family dwelling: 75 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   30 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Single-family:   7.5 ft. on each side
Duplexes:   10 ft. on each side
Two-family dwelling: 12,000 sq. ft.
Two-family dwelling: 90 ft.
High Density
Single-family detached and duplex
Single-family detached: 6,000 sq. ft.
Single-family dwelling: 60 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   25 ft.
Rear:      20 ft.
Single-family:   12 ft. total, neither side less than 5 ft.*
Duplexes:   10 ft. on each side
Two-family dwelling: 7,500 sq. ft.
Two-family dwelling: 75 ft.
Single-family detached and Multi-family
Greater of 9,000 sq. ft. or 5,445 sq. ft. per dwelling unit
None stated
35 ft.
Front [1]:      30 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Side:      10 ft.
Mobile Home Park
Mobile home parks
5 acres for a park 4,500 sq. ft. plot size
None stated
35 ft.
For individual mobile home plots:
Front [1][3]:   25 ft.
Rear:      15 ft.
Side:      10 ft.
buffer:      [4]
Lot area may correspond to ground floor area of unit, Density: 1 unit per 5,445 sq. ft. of parcel area
100 ft.
Dwelling unit: 20 ft.
35 ft.
Front [1][3]:   30 ft.
Rear:      30 ft.
Side:      20 ft. total, neither side less than 10 ft.
buildings:   20 ft.
[1] On double frontage lots and corner lots, there shall be a front yard on each street.
[2] Maximum building height, as defined by § 151.003 measured at the front wall or other portion of a building facing the street; however, this limitation shall not apply to structures identified in § 151.005(D).
[3] The front yard requirement for dwellings may be reduced according to § 151.005(A) in certain circumstances.
[4] Around all mobile home parks there shall be provided a 20 foot wide buffer area in addition to the yard requirements above. Landscaping and screening shall be provided.
[5] Appurtenances are permitted to encroach into a required yard according to § 151.005(E) in certain circumstances.
   (B)   Commercial/office zoning districts.
Zone District
Area/Lot Size
Maximum Height [2]
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Setbacks [9]
Zone District
Area/Lot Size
Maximum Height [2]
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Setbacks [9]
Neighborhood Commercial
Serve the immediate residential neighborhood
Maximum area: 1.5 acres
25 ft.
Front [1]:   40 ft. with no parking in front yard
60 ft. with parking in front yard
   30 ft.
Side:   20 ft. adjoining residential [6], otherwise 10 ft.
Shopping Center Commercial
Shopping and commercial centers
Minimum area: 6 acres, but internal divisions are permitted [3]
70 ft. [4]
Front [1]:   50 ft.
Rear:   30 ft. rear yard, service court, or combination thereof Side: 20 ft. adjoining residential [6], otherwise 15 ft.
General Commercial
Wide variety of uses generating a large volume of traffic
Minimum lot area: 15,000 sq. ft.
50 ft. [5]
Front [1]:   50 ft. abutting arterial streets, otherwise 40 ft.
Rear:   30 ft.
Side:   20 ft. adjoining residential [6], otherwise 10 ft.
Medical Professional Office
Professional and business offices
No minimum lot size
25 ft.[7][8]
Front [1]:   40 ft.
Rear:   30 ft.
Side:   20 ft. adjoining residential [6], otherwise 10 ft.
[1] On double frontage lots and corner lots, there shall be a front yard on each street.
[2] Maximum building height, as defined by § 151.003 measured at the front wall or other portion of a building facing the street; however, this limitation shall not apply to structures identified in § 151.005(D).
[3] All developments shall meet the minimum site area. However, within the development, internal divisions of property may be allowed which are in conformity with an approved site plan designed as a unified development as defined by § 151.003. There shall be no minimum lot area for these internal divisions of the development, provided that within the entire approved development all requirements of this section are met.
[4] A building, or portion thereof, that extends more than 35 feet above finished grade shall be set back from the required front, side and rear building setback requirement an additional two feet for every one foot of height above 35 feet in height from the finished grade, not to exceed 70 feet in height.
[5] A building, or portion thereof, that extends more than 35 feet above finished grade shall be set back from the required front, side and rear building setback requirement an additional two feet for every one foot of height above 35 feet in height from finished grade, not to exceed 50 feet in height.
[6] The larger setback shall be apply when the nonresidential lot is adjacent to either a residential use or residential zoning district.
[7] A building, or portion thereof, on a property within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way line of Houston Levee Road from Winchester Boulevard southward to SR 385 shall be permitted to exceed 25 feet above finished grade not to exceed 70 feet in height; however, the building shall be set back from the required front, side and rear building setback requirement and additional two feet for every one foot of height above 25 feet from finished grade.
[8] Structures in Seniors Housing Planned Developments may exceed 25 feet above finished grade pursuant to § 151.159.
[9] Appurtenances are permitted to encroach into a required yard according to § 151.005(E) in certain circumstances.
   (C)   Industrial zoning districts.
Zone District
Area/Lot Size
Maximum Height [2]
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Maximu m Lot Coverage
Setbacks [4]
Restrictive Industrial
Least objectionable characteristics
No minimum lot size
60 ft.
None specified
50% of total lot area
Front [1]:40 ft.
Rear:   30 ft. adjoining residential [3], otherwise 25 ft.
Side:   25 ft.
General Industrial
Well segregated from other industrial uses
2 acres
60 ft.
None specified
50% of total lot area
Front [1]:   40 ft.
Rear:   50 ft. adjoining residential [6], otherwise 25 ft.
Side:   40 ft. adjoining residential [3], otherwise 25 ft.
[1] On double frontage lots and corner lots, there shall be a front yard on each street.
[2] Maximum building height, as defined by § 151.003 measured at the front wall or other portion of a building facing the street; however, this limitation shall not apply to structures identified in § 151.005(D). In the RI and GI Districts, the Planning Commission, during the site plan review process, may allow for a greater building height provided that no fire hazard is created in the opinion of the Fire Marshal.
[3] The larger setback shall be apply when the nonresidential lot is adjacent to either a residential use or residential zoning district.
[4] Appurtenances are permitted to encroach into a required yard according to § 151.005(E) in certain circumstances.
   (D)   Site development standards for traditional zoning districts (TN, MU, NC and CB) [1] [11].
Building/Lot Type
Residential Detached (Street Loaded)
Residential Detached (Alley Loaded)
Residential Attached
Mixed Use
Building/Lot Type
Residential Detached (Street Loaded)
Residential Detached (Alley Loaded)
Residential Attached
Mixed Use
Front facade zone [2] [3] [6] [10] [13]
25 - 40 feet [4]
25 - 40 feet [4]
15 - 30 feet [4]
0 - 15 feet
0 - 20 feet
Side yard setback [6] [9] [13]
5 feet
5 feet
0 feet
Rear yard setback [6] [9] [10] [13]
20 feet
5 or 20 feet [10]
5 feet
0 feet
0 feet
Maximum height
[7] [8]
[7] [8]
Minimum lot size [4]
6,000 square feet
3,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
50 feet
30 feet
Building/Lot Type
Residential Detached (Street Loaded)
Residential Detached (Alley Loaded)
Residential Attached
Mixed Use
Building/Lot Type
Residential Detached (Street Loaded)
Residential Detached (Alley Loaded)
Residential Attached
Mixed Use
Floor area ratio (FAR)
Maximum residential density
[1]   For lots in recorded subdivisions or approved planned developments (PDs) approved prior to (adoption date of 2011-05), the setbacks and lot sizes, and maximum densities shown in this table shall not apply, and the requirements shown on the final plat, outline plan, or conditions on existing lots shall govern.
[2]   The front building face or wall should be placed within the front facade zone. The dimensional requirement closest to the street is the minimum front building setback.
[3]   For mixed use and single use nonresidential building types, the front building setback shall be measured from the back edge of the sidewalk, not the right-of-way line.
[4]   To ensure infill compatibility, where the average front yard for existing adjacent residential buildings is outside of the ranges indicated, the minimum and maximum front yard setbacks shall instead be between 85 and 115% of the average front setback distance from the street established by the existing adjacent homes, unless otherwise modified by the PC or BMA, as applicable.
[5]   There shall be a minimum of 0 feet each side, with a minimum of 10 feet between detached buildings.
[6]   Within a side yard setback bay windows, porches, balconies, fire escapes, and steps projecting not more than 36 inches from an exterior wall for a distance not more than one-third if the length of such wall, provided a minimum of 10 feet between buildings is maintained.
[7]   All floor space provided on the ground floor of a mixed use building shall have a minimum floor-to-ceiling height of 11 feet.
[8]   The maximum height of buildings within traditional zoning districts shall be based on the special areas in the Downtown Collierville Small Area Plan as follows, and measured in stories from the average grade of the front facade to the eave of the highest story, not including a basement or an attic. Height limitations shall not apply to those elements as regulated in § 151.005(D).
   Special Area                           Maximum Height
   4                              2.5 stories
   2, Part of 3 on the south side of Washington St.               4 stories
   1, Part of 3 on the north side of Washington St., 5 - 20            3 stories
[9]   In the NC Neighborhood Commercial District, a 10 foot landscape buffer yard shall be provided where the lot adjoins a residential use/district. The buffer yard shall contain a mixture of evergreen trees, evergreen shrubs and an opaque masonry wall or fence to be approved by the Historic District Commission or Design Review Commission, as applicable.
[10]   See § 151.210 (C)(13) and the Design Guidelines for proper garage placement and setback from an alley or road.
[11]   Setbacks, lot widths, or lot sizes beyond the ranges presented in this table or its footnotes, may be modified through the site plan process by the BMA, or the subdivision platting process by the PC, in cases where topographical or natural constraints exist, or where a particular design approach recommended by the Downtown Collierville Small Area Plan warrants a different setback, lot width, or lot size.
[12]   1,200 square feet is the minimum lot size for vertically attached units on a fee simple lot. There is no minimum lot size for other forms of attached residential units (such as stacked flats, apartments, lofts and condominiums) or mixed use structures; however, these forms shall instead be regulated by the maximum residential density based upon the applicable special areas in the Downtown Collierville Small Area Plan.
   Special Area               Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Per Acre (DU/A)
   1                  15 DU/A
   2 and 3                  18 DU/A
   5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18            12 DU/A
   All other special areas            N/A
The BMA may approve density levels for attached dwellings and mixed use building types above the maximum residential on a case-by-case basis provided that following criteria are met:
   (a)   Sufficient infrastructure exists to serve the proposed development, including, but not limited to, water and sewer systems, streets and traffic signalization, and stormwater management systems; and no excessive burden is placed on parks, recreation areas, schools, police and fire protection and other public facilities which serve or are proposed to serve the development;
   (b)   The proposed development is consistent with the applicable special area and character area policies and recommendations, and character studies found in the adopted Downtown Collierville Small Area Plan; and
   (c)   The proposed development is consistent with the traditional design principles found in Chapter 6 of the adopted Downtown Collierville Small Area Plan are met.
[13] Appurtenances are permitted to encroach into a required yard according to § 151.005(E) in certain circumstances.
(Ord. 2011-01, passed 3-14-11; Am. Ord. 2011-05, passed 5-23-11; Am. Ord. 2015-19, passed 11-9-15; Am. Ord. 2016-06, passed 6-27-16; Am. Ord. 2018-02, passed 8-14-18; Am. Ord. 2019-05, passed 5-13-19)