(A)   Purpose and intent.
      (1)   These districts are designed to provide suitable areas for medium density residential development where appropriate urban services and facilities are provided or where the extension of such services and facilities will be physically and economically feasible. Generally, these districts will be characterized by single family detached dwellings.
      (2)   These districts may also include community facilities, public utilities and open uses which serve the residents of these districts.
   (B)   Uses and structures. 
      (1)   Principal permitted uses and structures. For specific uses allowed, refer to the table in § 151.021.
      (2)   Permitted accessory uses and structures. For specific accessory uses allowed, refer to the table in § 151.025.
      (3)   Conditional uses. For specific uses allowed, refer to the table in § 151.021.
      (4)   Prohibited uses. Any use not allowed by right, by accessory or by conditional use is prohibited in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District. (See also § 151.021.)
   (C)   Bulk regulations. For bulk regulations, which include minimum lot area, minimum lot width at the building line, and maximum height, refer to the table in § 151.027.
   (D)   Yard requirements.
      (1)   General provisions. General provisions applicable to all residential districts concerning visibility at intersections, permitted obstructions in required yards, obstructions prohibited at street intersections, exceptions to these provisions and other regulations are contained in § 151.006.
      (2)   Basic provisions. For yard requirements, which include setbacks for front, side, and rear yards, refer to the table in § 151.027.
(`00 Code, § 11-403) (Ord. 95-11, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2001-06, passed 4-9-01; Am. Ord. 2008-20, passed 11-10-08; Am. Ord. 2011-01, passed 3-14-11; Am. Ord. 2011-02, passed 3-14-11)