In addition to the provisions set forth in Idaho Code 49-662 and 49-1801 et seq., the police department or, to the extent permitted by law, other person(s) designated by the city, are authorized to immediately remove and impound, with or without citation and without giving prior notice to its owner, any vehicle parked in a tow away zone, which zones may be established by the city council by duly passed resolution. (Ord. 3297 §2, 2007: Ord. 3282 §24, 2007: Ord. 2633 §2, 1994: Ord. 1540 §1, 1978: prior code §6-9-1)
In the event a vehicle is towed under section 10.28.010 of this chapter, a postseizure hearing shall be afforded the owner of the vehicle and shall be conducted in accordance with the Coeur d'Alene police department policy and procedure pertaining to impounding and sale of seized motor vehicles. (Ord. 3282 §25, 2007)