The City Council may, by duly adopted resolution or ordinance, establish parking spaces which limit the amount of time a motor vehicle may park in that space. The City Engineer or designee is directed and authorized to mark off individual parking spaces and/or zones and/or place signs indicating a time restriction in the limited time parking spaces or zones. (Ord. 3282, §15, 2007: Ord. 3064 §4, 2002: Ord. 2934 §12, 1999: Ord. 2556 §3, 1993: Ord. 2219 §2, 1989: Ord. 2114 §4, 1988: prior code §10-2-2)
A. No owner or operator of any vehicle shall allow or cause a vehicle to be continuously parked longer than fifteen (15) minutes on any day between the hours of nine o’clock (9:00) A.M. and six o’clock P.M., except Sundays and holidays, in any parking space posted for fifteen (15) minute parking.
B. No owner or operator of any vehicle shall allow or cause such vehicle to be continuously parked for a period of more than two (2) hours on any day between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M., except Sundays and holidays, along the following described portions of streets and avenues within the City:
Sherman Avenue from Second Street to Eighth Street;
The east side of First Street from Sherman Avenue to Indiana Avenue;
The west side of First Street from Sherman Avenue to the south side of the intersection of First Street and Coeur d'Alene Avenue;
Second Street from Sherman Avenue to Wallace Avenue;
Third Street from Front Avenue to Indiana Avenue;
Fourth Street from Front Avenue to Indiana Avenue;
Fifth Street from Front Avenue to Coeur d'Alene Avenue;
Sixth Street from Front Avenue to Lakeside Avenue;
The north side of Indiana Avenue between Third Street and Fourth Street;
Lakeside Avenue from First Street to Seventh Street;
The south side of Front Avenue from Fifth Street to Sixth Street;
The north side of Front Avenue from Third Street to Seventh Street;
Coeur d'Alene Avenue from First Street to Fifth Street.
Such other spaces and/or zones and for such amount of time as may hereafter be established by duly passed resolution of the City Council.
Holidays shall be the following nationally recognized days: Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr./Idaho Human Rights Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Columbus Day. (Ord. 3672 §3, 2021: Ord. 3577, 2017)