All property owners within the city limits shall keep their trees, shrubs and bushes situated on their property trimmed from time to time in such a manner that there shall be proper clearance between all electrical lines and any portion of the trees, shrubs and bushes. Said trees, shrubs and bushes shall be so trimmed that none of the branches, twigs or leaves of same shall come in contact with or in any way interfere with the wires or other equipment upon said electrical lines. Said trees, shrubs and bushes in the streets and alleys shall be trimmed by the city at its expense. Should a property owner fail to properly trim the trees, shrubs and bushes located on the owner's property, the city may go upon the said property owner's property to do the necessary trimming and the city will bear all costs and expenses involved in doing so.
In no event shall any homeowner, contractor, developer or resident place structures, trees, shrubs, bushes, fences, or any other permanent structure in a utility right of way or easement without the written permission of the utility company holding said right of way or easement. If existing structures, trees, bushes, shrubs, fences or any other structure are located in a utility right of way or easement and are deemed to obstruct utility maintenance or operation, they shall be removed upon reasonable request from the utility or the city at the property owner's expense. If the property owner does not remove the structure, trees, shrubs, bushes, fences, or any other permanent structure within the time frame of the reasonable request, the obstruction will be removed at the property owner's expense. Any obstruction placed on a utility easement or right of way without express written permission of the utility that becomes damaged through necessary utility activity on said right of way will not be repaired or replaced by the utility or the city.
Any property owner who fails to trim trees, shrubs or bushes located on their property, and refuses to allow the city to do so, within ten (10) days after having been given written notice by the city that same interfere with the city electrical lines, shall be guilty of maintaining a nuisance and shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 2008-22, 12-2-2008)