No "club", as defined by section 3-2-1 of this chapter, holding a limited retail liquor license, shall sell alcoholic or malt beverages for consumption anywhere except the building or space in the building or the premises leased or owned by such club for the use of its members and guests, and it shall be the duty and obligation of said club to so check and regulate the sale to members and guests that any and all alcoholic or malt beverages sold by it shall be consumed in such building, space or premises. The age restrictions in section 3-2-6 of this chapter shall not apply to club licenses. The Governing Body may, upon application by the club, allow the club to serve alcoholic or malt beverages outside its building, but on its premises for a period of time not to exceed twenty four (24) hours, and subject to such terms, conditions and limitations as the Governing Body may establish. The Governing Body may, by resolution, authorize the City Administrator and/or the Administrative Services Director to approve such permits without action or approval by the Governing Body, provided that the applicant complies with the terms, conditions and limitations established by the resolution. In the event that the applicant wishes to request modifications or exceptions to such terms, conditions and limitations, such request must be presented to the Governing Body, and the Governing Body may approve, deny or partially approve such modifications or exceptions. (Ord. 2017-21, 10-17-2017)