A.   Use When Permitted; Requirements: Buildings, structures and land shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the following Land Use Table, and subject to all other applicable requirements of this title. Any use determined by the reviewing official to be not listed in Table 10-7-2, and not listed in any other table or list of land uses in Title 10, may be considered pursuant to the provisions of 10-14-2 as an "Exemption For Use Similar To Permitted Use".
   B.   Interpretation Of The Residential Land Use Table: The symbols and letters in the Residential Land Use Table have the following meanings:
The use is permitted in that zoning district by right.
The use is permitted as an accessory use only. An accessory use cannot be established on a property unless it is in conjunction with a permitted use.
The use may be considered through the conditional use review process. See section 10-14-1 of this title.
The use is not permitted in that zoning district.
The use is subject to requirements applicable specifically to that use, as listed in chapter 8, "Supplemental Development Standards For Residential Zoning Districts", of this title.
See note
Refer to the corresponding residential supplemental development standards, found in chapter 8 of this title.
   C.   Planned Unit Developments: Planned unit developments shall be subject to the land use regulations of the underlying zoning district, unless specified otherwise in the planned unit development authorization. (Ord. 2017-02, 3-7-2017; amd. Ord. 2022-25, 12-20-2022)