Conditionally Permitted Uses shall be subject to the following set of requirements within the specified Zoning District.
   (a)    O-S Open Space. There are no Conditionally Permitted Uses in the O-S District.
   (b)    R-1 Single-Family Residential District.
(1)    Residential social service facility.
A.    The agency operating a residential home shall have at least two qualified houseparents or supervisors for each residential home and shall maintain twenty-four hour supervision at all times. The agency shall provide social work, psychological and medical services as required.
B.    No residential social service facility shall be permitted within 1,500 feet of another such facility.
C.    The social service facility shall provide not less than twenty-five square feet per person of suitable indoor recreation area and not less than 200 square feet of outdoor open space per person consolidated in a useful configuration and location provided on the site.
D.    Every room occupied for sleeping purposes shall contain a minimum of eighty square feet of habitable room area for one occupant. When occupied by more than one person, the room shall contain at least sixty square feet of habitable room area for each occupant.
E.    A site plan and a floor plan for the proposed home, identifying the required recreation areas and sleeping quarters, shall be submitted as part of the application.
F.    A plan which documents the need for the home in relation to the specific clientele served and identifies the location of other residential social service facilities in the City shall also be submitted as part of the application.
G.    A change in the Residential Social Service Facility type is a change in the conditional use and requires prior approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (c)    R-1A Single-Family Residential.
(1)    Duplexes.
         A.    The minimum lot and building requirements for duplexes in the R-2 Mixed Residential District, found in Section 1145.04, shall apply.
         B.    The setback requirements of the R-1A District shall apply.
         C.    The off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 1149.
(2)    Duplexes converted from single-family residences.
A.    A minimum of 1,500 square feet of total floor area shall be required with a minimum floor area for one of the two units shall be 550 square feet.
B.    The off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 1149.
(3)    Nursery schools and day care centers.
A.    The minimum lot area shall be equal to 7,200 square feet or 400 square feet per child, whichever is greater.
B.    There shall be a minimum side yard setback of twenty feet on each side.
C.    The floor area of the principal building shall contain forty square feet per child including thirty-five square feet per child of indoor play area.
D.    There shall be an adequately equipped and fenced area for outdoor recreation. There shall be sixty square feet of outdoor play area for each child. The outdoor recreation area shall be constructed so as to insure safe ingress and egress.
E.    A site plan and a floor plan identifying the designated recreation areas for the proposed center shall be submitted as part of this application.
F.    The off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 1149.
(4)    Residential social service facilities.
A.    The requirements of Section 1169.04(b)(1) shall apply.
B.    The requirements of Section 1169.04(c)(3)C. shall apply.
C.    The off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 1149.
   (d)    R-2 Mixed Residential District.
(1)    Townhouses and other Zero Lot Line Residences.
A.    Proposals for Zero Lot Line Residences shall include at least two dwellings per building.
B.    The minimum lot area shall be 2,880 square feet for townhouses and 4,800 square feet for all other zero lot line development.
C.    The minimum lot frontage shall be twenty-four feet for townhouses and forty feet for other zero lot line houses. When on corner lots, the minimum shall be forty-four feet for townhouses and sixty feet for other zero lot line dwellings.
D.    There shall be no side yard setback for townhouses except that the end units must have ten feet of setback from the side lot line. For other Zero Lot Line Residences there shall also be required a ten foot setback on one side of the structural complex. In no case shall a Zero Lot Line structure be constructed on a lot line that is immediately adjacent to property in a district other than an R-2 District.
E.    A townhouse or other Zero Lot Line structure shall occupy no more than sixty percent (60%) of the lot.
F.    Townhouses shall be constructed up to side lot lines without side yard, and no windows, doors or other openings shall face a side lot line except that the outside wall of end units may contain such openings.
G.    Other Zero Lot Line dwellings shall be constructed against the lot line on one side of a lot, and no windows, doors, or other openings shall be permitted on this side.
H.    Firewalls, as defined in the Ohio Basic Building Code, shall be provided in all common walls.
(2)    Churches.
A.    The minimum lot size for a church shall be one acre.
B.    The minimum frontage shall be 150 feet.
C.    The setbacks shall be as follows: Front yard: Forty feet. Side yard: Twenty-five feet each side. Rear yard: Thirty feet.
D.    The maximum height shall be thirty-five feet; excluding steeples, belltowers, etc.
(3)    Residential social service facilities.
A.    The requirements of Section 1169.04(b)(1) shall also apply in the R- 2 District.
B.    The lot and building requirements for triplexes in the R-2 District shall also apply to residential social service facilities in the R-2 District.
   (e)    R-3 Multiple-Family Residential District.
(1)    Nursing homes.
A.    The side yard setback shall be twenty feet on each side. The rear setback shall be forty feet.
B.    Screening or an open area between the required off-street parking area and adjacent lots will be provided in accordance with Section 1149.04(d).
C.    There shall be two vehicular entrances/exits from the adjacent street.
D.    A site plan shall be submitted as part of the application.
(2)    Nursery schools and day care centers.
A.    The requirements of Section 1169.04(c)(3) shall apply.
      (3)    Residential social service facilities.
         A.    The requirements of Section 1169.04(b)(1) shall also apply to the R- 3 District.
         B.    The minimum lot area shall be 7,200 square feet or 400 square feet per person, whichever is greater.
(4)    Churches.
A.    The requirements of Section 1169.04(d)(2) shall also apply in the R- 3 District.
   (f)    R-O Residential Office District.
      (1)    Private lodges and clubs.
         A.    The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet for new construction; otherwise the district requirements apply.
         B.    The minimum side yard setback shall be twenty feet for each yard.
         C.    The minimum rear yard setback shall be forty feet.
         D.    A four inch curb shall separate the required off-street parking and loading areas from the remainder of the lot.
         E.    Screening or an open area between the required off-street parking area and adjacent lots will be provided in accordance with Section 1149.04(d).
F.    There shall be two vehicular entrances/exits from the adjacent street.
         G.    A site plan shall be submitted as part of the application.
(2)    Funeral homes.
         A.    The minimum lot size shall be 10,000 square feet.
         B.    The side yard setback shall be twenty feet on each side and the rear yard setback shall be forty feet.
         C.    Screening or an open area between the required off-street parking area and adjacent lots will be provided in accordance with Section 1149.04(d).
         D.    There shall be two vehicular entrances/exits from the adjacent street.
         E.    A site plan shall be submitted as part of the application.
      (3)    Retail sales and service.
         A.    Public off-street parking must be within 400 feet, measured along the closest public right of way, of the proposed site or the off-street parking shall be provided as part of the proposal.
      (4)    Duplexes converted from single-family residences.
A.    A minimum of 1,500 square feet of total floor area shall be required; a minimum floor area for one of the two units shall be 550 square feet.
   (g)    C-1 CBD (Central Business District).
(1)    Multiple-family dwellings.
A.    There shall be two vehicular entrances/exits to an adjacent street, neither of which shall be to Main Street or have a point of ingress or egress within sixty feet of Main Street.
B.    Screening or an open area between the required off-street parking area and adjacent lots will be provided in accordance with Section 1149.04(d).
      (2)   Residential uses above commercial uses.
         A.   The residential floor area requirements of Section 1145.04(e)(5), Multiple-Family Residential District shall apply.
         B.   The off-street parking requirements shall equal the sum of the requirements for each of the individual uses of the building.
         C.   There shall be separate entrances for the commercial and the residential uses. Adequate lighting shall be provided for the entrance to the residential uses.
      (3)   Hotels.
         A.   There shall be two vehicular entrances/exits to an adjacent street, neither of which shall be to Main Street or have a point of ingress or egress within sixty feet of Main Street.
         B.   Screening or an open area between the required off-street parking area and adjacent lots will be provided in accordance with Section 1149.04(d).
      (4)   Commercial recreation/entertainment facilities.
         A.   Screening or an open area between the required off-street parking area and adjacent lots will be provided in accordance with Section 1149.04(d).
         B.   Supporting documentation shall be provided to show that noise generated by the use shall not be objectionable between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. daily at the boundary of the C-1 Central Business District.
      (5)   Buildings of less than 200 square feet.
         A.   The building must be utilized only as a drive-up or drive-through facility.
         B.   Plans shall be provided showing separate and identified vehicular entrances and exits, the anticipated traffic patterns, and increased traffic volume resulting from the proposed use.
   (h)   C-2 General Commercial District.
      (1)   Animal hospitals and kennels.
         A.   There shall be no structures within thirty feet of the lot lines.
         B.   There shall be not outside storage of animals.
      (2)   Transportation facilities.
         A.   There shall be two entrances and two exits.
         B.   The minimum lot size shall be one acre.
      (3)   Personal storage.
         A.   Minimum lot size shall be three-quarter acre.
         B.   Fencing is required.
         C.   No buildings shall be located within twenty-five feet of any residential zoning district.
            (Ord. 1985-40. Passed 8-6-85.)
      (4)   Residential uses above commercial uses.
         A.   The residential floor area requirements of Section 1145.04(e)(5), Multiple-Family Residential District shall apply.
         B.   The off-street parking requirements shall equal the sum of the requirements for each of the individual uses of the building.
         C.   There shall be separate entrances for the commercial and residential uses. Adequate lighting shall be provided for the entrance to the residential uses.
            (Ord. 1998-123. Passed 10-20-98.)
   (i)   I-1 General Industrial District.
      (1)   Junkyards.
         A.   There shall be a minimum lot size of five acres.
         B.   The minimum setback shall be:
            Front yard: Sixty feet.
            Side yard: Twenty-five feet each.
            Rear yard: Forty feet.
         C.   Screening, a minimum of eight feet, shall be provided all around the actual area of the junkyard use.
         D.   No junk shall be stored more than eight feet high.
         E.   No junk shall be stored in the required front setback.
         F.   No hazardous materials shall be stored on the site.
            (Ord. 1985-40. Passed 8-6-85.)