(a) The parking area shall be accessory to and for use in connection with one or more use, other than one family residential which is located completely within the boundaries of Clinton Township, except for uses situated in an adjoining community, in whole or in part, which involve solely schools providing education K-12, churches and uses owned or operated by a governmental entity.
(b) Such parking lots shall be contiguous to an RM or nonresidential district on at least one side. Parking areas may be approved when adjacent to said districts or on the end of a block where such areas front on a street which is perpendicular to that street servicing the district. There may be a private driveway, public street or public alley between such P Parking District and any RM or nonresidential district.
(c) The parking area shall be used solely for the parking of private passenger vehicles for periods of less than 72 hours and shall not be used as an off-street loading area or for outdoor storage.
(d) No commercial repair work or service of any kind or sales or displays shall be conducted in such parking area.
(e) No signs of any kind, other than signs designating entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained on such parking area.
(f) No building, other than for the shelter of attendants, shall be erected upon the premises, and such building shall not exceed 14 feet in height.
(Ord. 260. Passed 7-9-79; Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)
Where a P Parking District is contiguous to a residentially zoned district which has a common frontage on the same block with residential structures, or wherein no residential structures have yet been erected, there shall be a setback equal to the required residential setback for said Residential District, or a minimum of 25 feet, whichever is the greater. The required wall shall be located on this minimum setback line.
(Ord. 260. Passed 7-9-79; Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)
The parking area shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 1295. The Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Clinton may substitute for screening and landscaping, fencing, and vegetation intended to create an obscuring separation of parking from surrounding uses.
(Ord. 260. Passed 7-9-79; Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)
P Parking Districts shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1294.
(Ord. 260. Passed 7-9-79; Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)