1246.01 Permit required prior to site improvement or installation of public utilities.
1246.02 Procedure.
Subdivision of land - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.44; P. & Z. Ch. 1220 et seq.
Regulation of location of trades, buildings and uses; congested areas - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 125.581 et seq.
Drainage of lots, lands, excavations, etc. - see GEN. OFF. 676.05
Improvements in subdivisions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1228
Partitioning or dividing of land - see P. & Z. Ch. 1230
Except for agricultural purposes, it shall be unlawful for any person to begin site improvements for the development of land, or install public utilities within the Township, within first obtaining a permit for construction.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
Any person desiring to proceed with the development of land or the installation of public utilities shall apply for a permit for construction from the Township Water and Sewers Department in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) For Projects Where the Construction Contractor is Engaged by the Township. Where the construction contractor is engaged by the Township, the contractor will not be required to acquire (nor have in his or her possession) a permit for construction. However, the contractor shall restore all land and/or other physical features affected by the work to a condition at least as good as that existing at the time construction was begun.
(b) For Projects Where the Construction Contractor is Engaged by a Public Utility Company Other Than the Township.
(1) The public utility company shall prepare and present to the Superintendent of the Water and Sewers Department plans and specifications for the proposed utility, whether it be an underground utility or an overhead utility (including a single pole relocation). The utility company shall ascertain where the location (horizontally or vertically) may be in possible conflict with utilities existing and proposed by the Township.
(2) Upon completion of the plans and specifications for the public utility, the utility company shall make an application for a plan review on a form furnished by the Township. As part of this application, the utility company shall submit the following:
A. Two sets of completed plans for the proposed utility.
B. A cash payment as the plan review fee.
C. Such inspection fees as may be determined to be necessary by the Superintendent of the Water and Sewers Department.
D. Such other information and data as the Township Engineer deems necessary to enable the approval of the construction permit.
(3) After issuance of the construction permit, the contractor may proceed with construction. However, the contractor shall restore all land and/or other physical features affected by the work to a condition at least as good as that existing at the time construction was begun.
(c) For All Other Development Projects.
(1) The developer shall engage a registered professional engineer, hereinafter called the developer's or design engineer, who shall prepare plans and specifications for the proposed site improvements in accordance with current engineering design and plan preparation standards contained in these Regulations or otherwise adopted by the Township.
(2) Upon completion of the plans and specifications for the site improvements, the developer shall make an application for a plan review on a form furnished by the Township Water and Sewers Department. As part of this application, the developer shall submit the following:
A. Two copies of completed plans and specifications as proposed to be used for the construction of the site improvements, on the cover of which the developer's engineer shall make the following statement:
"I hereby certify that I have read the Township's Land Development Regulations (and its related engineering and construction standards) and that I have prepared these plans in complete conformity with the requirements of said Regulations."
Signature of developer's engineer.
Typed name of developer's engineer and P.E. number.
B. A detailed estimate of the cost, a legal description and the acreage of the proposed development.
C. A cash payment to cover the plan review fee.
D. Such other information and data as the Township Engineer deems necessary to review and approve the plans and specifications.
(3) Prior to approval of the plans by the Township Engineer, the Township Engineer will coordinate the securing of necessary approvals of sanitary sewer and water mains from other reviewing agencies. The applicant shall furnish such plans and other documents as are necessary to accomplish such approvals. However, after approval of the plans by the Township, the developer's engineer shall obtain approval from the Macomb County Road Commission, the Macomb County Public Works Commissioner, the Michigan Department of Transportation, or any other agency (where applicable) from which approval is required, and furnish evidence of such approval to the Township Engineer. Also, the developer's engineer shall forward plans to any public utility and/or other agency whose facilities or rights of way may be affected by the proposed construction. In granting approval of the plans, it shall be understood that the approval of such plans shall be in effect for only one year, and the approval may be renewed, subject to the amendment of such plans by the addition of the current Township standard construction detail sheets, standards and/or construction specifications, as applicable.
(4) Upon securing approvals and construction permits from all other agencies, the developer shall make an application for a permit for construction of site improvements on a form furnished by the Department of Public Works for paving-related improvements and the Township Water and Sewer Department for all other improvements. As part of this application, the developer shall submit the following:
A. Three sets of approved plans and specifications, including the executed construction contract documents that shall contain as a minimum:
1. Contractor's certificates of insurance showing current Workers' Compensation insurance and current public liability insurance (including motor vehicle coverage and specific coverage for explosion and underground hazards) in a minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury and two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for property damage
2. An owner's protective public liability and property damage insurance policy in the name of the Township, the Township Engineer and all other affected public agencies in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000).
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
3. A maintenance and guarantee bond to the Township in the amount of 100 percent of the construction contract cost of all improvements to guarantee the correction of any defects or deficiencies in the improvements covered under the construction permit for a period of one year from the date of final written acceptance of such improvements and continuing thereafter in the amount of ten percent of construction contract costs for each of the next two succeeding years.
(Ord. 319. Passed 12-22-97.)
4. The contractor's signed proposal form indicating his or her unit prices and total construction cost price for which he or she is to perform the contract.
B. A cash deposit for the cost of Township construction inspection fees shall be paid forthwith as outlined in the General Fee Schedule.
C. Fully executed easements for public utilities as signed by all persons having an interest in the land. A title search statement of policy indicating the names of all persons of interest (certified by a recognized title insurance company) shall accompany the easements if required by the Township.
D. Such other information and data as the Township Engineer deems necessary to enable the approval of the construction permit.
(5) Upon approval of the construction permit by the Department of Public Works Superintendent for paving or the Township Water and Sewer Department for other permitted improvement, the developer's construction contractor shall perform the construction under the inspection of the Department of Public Works for paving and the Department of Water and Sewer for other permitted work, or their representatives, except for those improvements to be owned by other public agencies, which shall be inspected by those agencies.
(6) Upon completion of construction and prior to using any of the facilities covered under the construction permit, the developer shall apply for a written final approval of the improvements. As part of this application, the developer shall submit the following:
A. Sworn statements and waivers of lien, indicating that all public improvements have been paid for in full.
B. One set of mylar tracings (a minimum of four mils thick) and two prints covering all construction completed, indicating record measurements and/or record elevations for the improvements, including record elevations of drainage swales.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89; Ord. 352. Passed 6-28-04; Ord. 356. Passed 4-25-05.)