1228.01   General requirements.
1228.02   Streets.
1228.03   Utilities.
1228.04   Other improvements.
   Public improvements; determination of necessity of improvements - see Michigan Charter Township Act (Act 359 of 1947)
   Approval of plats; street system - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.43
   Regulations governing subdivision of land; bond to secure improvement; publication of regulations - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.44
   Approval or disapproval of plats; procedure; effect - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.45
   Certification of city plats - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 125.51 et seq.
   The improvements set forth under this chapter are to be considered as the minimum acceptable standard. All those improvements for which standards are not specifically set forth shall have said standards set in the Land Development Regulations. All improvements shall meet the approval of the governing body.
   Prior to the undertaking of any improvements, the proprietor shall deposit with the Clerk cash, a certified check or an irrevocable bank letter of credit, whichever the proprietor selects, or a surety bond acceptable to the governing body, to ensure faithful completion of all public improvements within the time specified. The amount of the deposit shall be set by the governing body based on an estimate by the Municipal Engineer. The governing body shall release funds for payment of work as it is completed and approved by the Municipality.
   Improvements shall be provided by the proprietor in accordance with the standards and requirements established in this chapter and in the Land Development Regulations, or any other such standards and requirements which may, from time to time, be established by ordinances of the Municipality.
(Ord. 268. Passed 7-27-81.)
1228.02   STREETS.
   All streets and appurtenances thereto shall be constructed in accordance with details and specifications approved by the Macomb County Road Commission and the governing body. All street pavements shall be constructed of concrete with curb.
(Ord. 268. Passed 7-27-81.)
1228.03   UTILITIES.
   (a)   Sewage Disposal. A sanitary sewer system, including all appurtenances, shall be required in all subdivisions (refer to the Land Development Regulations.)
   (b)   Water Supply. When a proposed subdivision is located within, adjacent to or reasonably near the service area of a Municipal water supply system, water mains, fire hydrants and required water system appurtenances shall be constructed in such a manner as to adequately serve all lots shown on the subdivision plat, both for domestic use and fire protection. In the event of the non-existence or non-availability of a Municipal water supply system, a subdivision water supply system, if possible, as determined by the Municipal Engineer, shall be installed by the proprietor. (Refer to the Land Development Regulations.)
   (c)   Storm Drainage System. An adequate storm drainage system, including necessary storm sewers, storm water retention basins, catch basins, manholes, culverts, bridges and other appurtenances, shall be required in all subdivisions. Adequate provisions shall be made for proper drainage of storm water run-off from residential rear yards. (Refer to the Land Development Regulations.)
(Ord. 268. Passed 7-27-81.)