General Provisions and Definitions
1220.01   Short title.
1220.02   Purposes.
1220.03   Compliance standards.
1220.04   Interpretation; conflicts.
1220.05   Separability.
1220.06   Definitions.
   Approval of plats; street system - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.43
   Regulations governing subdivision of land; bond to secure improvement; publication of regulations - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.44
   Approval or disapproval of plats; procedure; effect - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 125.45
   Certification of city plats - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 125.51 et seq.
   Fees - see P. & Z. 1222.01
   Variances - see P. & Z. 1222.02, 1222.03
1220.01   SHORT TITLE.
   This Title Four shall be known and may be designated as the "Township of Clinton Subdivision Regulations" and shall be referred to herein as "these Regulations."
(Ord. 268. Passed 7-27-81.)
1220.02   PURPOSES.
   The purposes of these Regulations are to provide for the orderly growth and harmonious development of the community; to secure adequate traffic circulation through coordinated street systems with relation to major thoroughfares, adjoining subdivisions and public facilities; to achieve individual property lots of maximum utility and livability; to secure adequate provisions for water supply, drainage and sanitary sewerage and other health requirements; to secure adequate provisions for recreational areas, school sites and other public facilities; to provide a reasonable and proper basis for the design and construction of residential, commercial or industrial projects; and to provide logical procedures for the achievement of these purposes.
(Ord. 268. Passed 7-27-81.)