For the purpose of these Regulations, certain words, terms and phrases shall be defined as follows and shall control in these Regulations unless indicated to the contrary in this section.
(1) "Block" means property abutting one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting streets or between the nearest such street and a railroad right of way, unsubdivided acreage, a river or live stream, or
between any of the foregoing and any other barrier to the continuity of development.
(2) "Commission" means the Planning Commission of the Township of Clinton.
(3) "Clerk" means the Clerk of the Township of Clinton.
(4) "Date of filing" means:
A. For tentative approval of preliminary plats, the date of the initial Planning Commission meeting at which the proprietor presents the preliminary plat for consideration.
B. For final approval of preliminary plats, the date on which the proprietor files, with the Department of Planning and Community Development, the tentatively approved preliminary plat and a certified list of all authorities required for approval.
C. For approval of final plats, the date on which the proprietor files, with the Township Clerk, the original and the necessary prints of the final plat.
(5) "Easement" means a grant by the owner for the use of land by the public, a corporation or persons, for specific uses and purposes, to be designated as a "public" or "private" easement, depending on the nature of the use.
(6) "Governing body" means the Township Board of the Township of Clinton.
(7) "Improvements" means grading, street surfacing, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, crosswalks, water mains and lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, culverts, bridges, utilities and other additions to the natural state of land which increase its value, utility or habitability.
(8) "Land Development Regulations" means the Clinton Township Land Development Regulations, being Title Six of Part Twelve of these Codified Ordinances.
(9) "Land Regulation Control Committee" means a committee consisting of the Township Treasurer, Township Assessor, Township Superintendent of Building, and Township Director of Planning and Community Development, or their assistants.
(10) "Lot" means a measured portion of a parcel or tract of land which is described or fixed in a proposed or recorded plat.
(11) "Master Plan" means the comprehensive land use plan for the Township of Clinton, including graphic and written proposals indicating the general locations recommended for the streets, parks, schools, public buildings, and all physical developments of the Township, and includes any unit or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendments to such plan or parts thereof adopted by the Planning Commission.
(12) "Major Streets or Thoroughfare Plan" means that part of the Master Plan which sets forth the location, alignment and dimensions of existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares.
(13) "Municipality" means the Township of Clinton, Macomb County, Michigan.
(14) "Municipal Engineer" or "Engineer" means the staff engineer or consulting engineer of the Municipality.
(15) "Outlot," when included within the boundary of a recorded plat, means a lot set aside for purposes other than a building site, park or other land dedicated to public use, or reserved for private use.
(16) "Ordinance" is to be used synonymously with rules and regulations.
(17) "Planning Department" means the Clinton Township Department of Planning and Community Development.
(18) "Plat" means a map or chart of a subdivision of land.
A. "Preliminary plat" means a map showing the salient features of a proposed subdivision submitted to an approving authority for purposes of preliminary consideration, prepared in conformance with the Subdivision Act.
B. "Final plat" means a map of all or part of a subdivision providing substantial conformance to the preliminary plat of the subdivision prepared in conformance with the requirements of the Subdivision Act and these Regulations and suitable for recording in the County Register of Deeds.
(19) "Parcel" or "tract" means a continuous area or acreage of land which can be described as provided for in the Subdivision Act.
(20) "Procedures Guide" means a guide for the platting of land in Clinton Township, including application forms for the same, available from the Clinton Township Department of Planning and Community Development, and consisting of a general guideline to proprietors, including a resum of the method of processing of plats.
(21) "Proprietor" or "owner" means a natural person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, or combination of any of them, who or which may hold any ownership interest in land, whether recorded or not.
(22) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Clinton Township Planning Commission.
(23) "Shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive.
(24) "Street" means any dedicated avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, viaduct, alley or other way which is an existing State, County or Municipal roadway, or a street, as defined above, or way, shown in a plat heretofore approved pursuant to law; or a street, as defined above, or way, on a plat duly filed and recorded in the office of the County Register of Deeds. A street, as defined above, includes the land between the right-of-way lines, whether improved or unimproved, and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, parking areas and lawns.
A. "Major thoroughfare" means an arterial street of great continuity which is intended to serve as a large volume trafficway for both the immediate Municipality area and the region beyond, and may be designated in the Major Thoroughfare Plan of the Municipality as a major thoroughfare, parkway, expressway or equivalent term to identify those streets comprising the basic structure of the street plan.
B. "Collector street" means a street intended to serve as a major means of access from minor streets to major thoroughfares which has considerable continuity within the framework of the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
C. "Minor street" means a street of limited continuity used primarily for access to abutting residential properties.
D. "Marginal access street" means a minor street paralleling and adjacent to a major thoroughfare which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
E. "Boulevard street" means a street developed in two, two-lane, one-way pavements, separated by a median.
F. "Turn-around" means a short boulevard street permanently terminated by a vehicular turn-around.
G. "Cul-de-sac street" means a short minor street having one end permanently terminated by a vehicular turn-around.
H. "Alley" means a minor service street used primarily to provide secondary vehicular access to the rear or side of properties otherwise abutting upon a street.
(25) "Subdivision Act" means the Subdivision Control Act, Act 288 of the Public Acts of 1967, as amended.
(26) "Subdivision" means the partitioning or dividing of a parcel or tract of land by the proprietor thereof or by his or her heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors or assigns, for the purpose of sale or lease of more than one year, or of building development, where the active division creates five or more parcels of land, each of which is ten acres or less in area, or where five or more parcels of land, each of which is ten acres or less in area, are created by successive divisions within a period of ten years.
(27) "Township" means the Township of Clinton, Macomb County, Michigan.
(28) "Words." Singular words shall include the plural and masculine words shall include the feminine and neuter.
(29) "Zoning Code" means Ordinance 260, passed July 9, 1979, as amended, codified as Title Eight of Part Twelve of these Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 268. Passed 7-27-81.)