(A)   All taxicabs operated under the authority of this chapter may be equipped with taximeters fastened in front of the passengers, visible to them at all times day and night; and, after sundown, the face of the taximeter shall be illuminated.
   (B)   If a taximeter is installed and used in a vehicle fore hire, the The taximeter shall be operated by a mechanism of standard design and construction, which will accurately record the fare for each trip. They shall be sealed at all points and connections which, if manipulated, would affect their correct reading and recording. Each taximeter shall have a device or signal to denote when the vehicle is employed and when it is not employed; and it shall be at the recording position at the termination of each trip.
   (C)   The taximeters shall be subject to inspection from time to time by the Iowa Department of Agriculture. The City Administrator or designee is hereby authorized either on complaint of a person or without such complaint, to inspect any meter and, upon discovery of any inaccuracy therein, to notify the person operating the taxicab to cease operation. Thereupon the taxicab shall be kept out of service until the taximeter is repaired and in the required working condition.
   (D)   The City Administrator may impose an inspection fee equal to the expenses incurred for an inspection. The Administrator also may contract with an independent agency to perform the necessary inspections. The fee of any independent agency shall be paid by the taxi owner.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with, mutilate or break any taximeter or the seal thereof or to transfer a taximeter from one taxicab to another for use in transportation of passengers for hire.
   (F)   The use of a taxi meter shall not prohibit a taxicab from making a prearranged agreement with a user for the rate of fare for fixed amount for a specific trip which may include multiple destinations or stops. If such agreement is entered into the taxicab operator shall so designate in its logs.
   (G)   Limousine businesses and all limousines covered by the vehicle for hire business permit held by a limousine business are specifically exempt from the provisions of this section.
   (H)   Regardless of whether a permit holder chooses to install and use a taximeter in any of its permitted vehicles for hire, nothing in this section shall be construed to eliminate or otherwise alter the posting requirements provided for in §§ 114.16 and 114.18.
(Ord. 2433, passed 11-9-2010; Ord. 2561, passed 1-9-2018) Penalty, see § 114.99