(A) Upon investigation, the proper authorizing official of the village may determine and declare that a vehicle is a health or safety hazard and a hazardous vehicle as defined above, and order the vehicle removed.
(B) It shall be unlawful for the registered owner or person entitled to possession of a motor vehicle, or for the owner, lessee, or occupant of the real property upon which the vehicle is located to leave, cause or allow such vehicle to remain on the property after it has been declared a hazardous vehicle.
(Ord. 2021-04, passed 3-8-21)
(A) It shall be unlawful for the registered owner or person entitled to the possession of a junked motor vehicle, or for the owner, lessee, or occupant of the real property upon which a junked motor vehicle is located, to leave or allow the junked motor vehicle to remain on the property after the vehicle has been ordered removed. If any person shall violate this section, he or she shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $500, subject to the provisions in G.S. § 14-4.
(B) Subject to the provisions of division (A) of this section, upon investigation, the Village Manager or his or her designee may order the removal of a junked motor vehicle, as defined in this chapter, from private property to a storage garage or storage area after finding in writing that the aesthetic benefits of removing the vehicle outweigh the burdens imposed on the private property owner. Such finding shall be based on a balancing of the monetary loss of the apparent owner against the corresponding gain to the public by promoting or enhancing community, neighborhood or area appearance. The following, among other relevant factors, may be considered:
(1) Protection of property values;
(2) Promotion of tourism and other economic development opportunities;
(3) Indirect protection of public health and safety;
(4) Preservation of the character and integrity of the community; and
(5) Promotion of the comfort, happiness and emotional stability of area residents.
(C) Permitted concealment or enclosure of junked motor vehicle.
(1) One junked motor vehicle, in its entirety, may be located in the rear yard, as defined in the Village of Clemmons Unified Development Ordinance, provided the junked motor vehicle is entirely concealed from public view from a public street and/or abutting premises by an approved motor vehicle covering for not more than 60 calendar days. The Village Manager or his or her designee have the authority to determine whether any junked motor vehicle is adequately concealed as required by this provision. The covering must remain in good repair and not be allowed to deteriorate. The covering or enclosure must be compatible with the objectives stated in the preamble of this chapter.
(2) Any one or more junked motor vehicles kept for a period exceeding 60 calendar days shall be kept within a garage or similar structure that provides a complete enclosure so that the junked motor vehicle(s) cannot be seen from a public street or abutting property. Garages or similar structures mean either a lawful, nonconforming use or a structure erected pursuant to the lawful issuance of a building permit and which has been constructed in accordance with all zoning and building code regulations.
(Ord. 2021-04, passed 3-8-21; Am. Ord. 2022-03, passed 4-25-22)
(A) Except as set forth in § 96.08 below, an abandoned, hazardous or junked vehicle which is to be removed shall be towed only after notice to the registered owner or person entitled to possession of the vehicle. In the case of a hazardous vehicle or a junked motor vehicle, if the names and mailing addresses of the registered owner or person entitled to the possession of the vehicle, or the owner, lessee, or occupant of the real property upon which the vehicle is located can be ascertained in the exercise of reasonable diligence, notice shall be given by first class mail to all such parties. Such notice shall include notification to the registered owner of the vehicle at his or her last known address according to the latest registration certificate or certificate of title on file with the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles; notice to the owner of real property at the mailing address listed with the Forsyth County Tax Administration office; and notice to the address of the property on which the vehicle is located. The person who mails the notice(s) shall retain a written record to show the name(s) and address(es) to which mailed, and the date mailed. If such names and addresses cannot be ascertained or if the vehicle to be removed is an abandoned motor vehicle, notice shall be given by affixing on the windshield or some other conspicuous place on the vehicle a notice indicating that the vehicle will be removed by the village on a specific date no sooner than seven days after the notice is affixed or mailed, unless the vehicle is moved by the owner or legal possessor prior to that time.
(B) Appeals. The registered owner or person entitled to possessing a vehicle which has been determined to be an abandoned vehicle on private property, hazardous vehicle or junked motor vehicle who has received a notice pursuant to division (A) that the vehicle will be removed may appeal the determination. Any appeal shall be made within ten days upon receipt of the notice for removal of the vehicle as provided in division (A). All appeals shall be made to the Village Council in writing filed with the Village Clerk. Appeals held pursuant to this section shall be conducted by the Village Council within 45 days after the receipt of a request for a hearing, and further proceedings to remove the vehicle shall be stayed until the appeal is heard and decided.
(Ord. 2021-04, passed 3-8-21)