It shall be unlawful to retain any library materials or other property owned by or subject to the control of the library for a period of seven days after the giving of notice to return same, provided such notice is given after the expiration of time for which such property was lent under the then rules of the library. Such notice shall be given to the person or entity at the address, phone number, or e-mail address reflected for same on the most recent library card of such person or entity according to the then records of the library. The date for return of such property according to the then rules of the library may be proven upon trial of any offense under this section, by the submission into evidence of the transaction records of the library.
('68 Code, § 17½-22) (Ord. 5-1983-14, passed 5-10-83; Am. Ord. 02- 2009-07, passed 2-10-09; Am. Ord. 08-2018-60, passed 8-28-18) Penalty, see § 10.99