(A)   Permits required by § 90.050 and renewals thereof shall be granted only upon application therefor made to the Airport Manager.
   (B)   Each application for a permit or renewal thereof shall be accompanied by the application fee, if any, and the application fee shall be promptly returned to the applicant if the permit is not granted.
   (C)   Each application shall:
      (1)   Fully identify the applicant;
      (2)   Specify in detail the activities to be carried on by the applicant under the permit;
      (3)   Specify the amount and kind of space in any hangar, shop, or other building desired to be used by the applicant;
      (4)   Specify the qualifications, training and previous experience of the applicant and the agents or employees of the applicant, if such information is then available, in the particular activity for which a permit is requested;
      (5)   Include a financial statement;
      (6)   Include a complete inventory of the aircraft and all other property or equipment to be employed by the applicant in the particular activity for which a permit is requested;
      (7)   Be accompanied by at least three letters from persons familiar with the applicant, attesting to the applicant's social and moral habits and previous business experience and stating the circumstances under which the persons acquired their knowledge of such matters;
      (8)   Include proof that all licenses, certificates or permits required for, or issued in connection with, the particular activity by any agency or department of the government of the United States or the State of Texas have been issued and are in good standing; and
      (9)   Include such additional information as may be requested by the Airport Manager or the City Council in passing upon the application.
('68 Code, § 3-66) (Ord. passed 1-12-60) Penalty, see § 90.999