It shall be unlawful for any person to be drunk and disorderly in any public place or on any public road or street in the town.
('71 Code, § 11-6) (Ord. 7, passed 8-1-32) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) No person shall consume any alcoholic beverages or unfortified wine or have in his possession any open container of alcoholic beverage or unfortified wine in a vehicle or on a parking lot, or within the rights-of-way of the public streets, boulevards, alleys, and sidewalks, or in municipal parks, within the town.
(B) Exceptions.
(1) Except as permitted by the Unified Development Ordinance.
(2) Subject to all applicable ABC regulations, the possession, sale, service, and consumption of malt beverages and unfortified wine, as defined by G.S. Ch. 18B, is permitted during any community-sponsored public function, festival or celebration when conducted on a public street, sidewalk or other publicly owned area pursuant to a written permit issued by the Town Manager or his duly authorized representative. However, before such permit is issued under this section, the Town Manager or his duly authorized representative shall designate the boundaries of the event and temporarily close any streets within the boundaries for general public use. Applicants must demonstrate proof of proper insurance for the planned event and make adequate provision for traffic control and public safety. The Town Manager or his representative may place such additional restrictions on the event as he deems reasonably necessary to ensure public safety and convenience.
('71 Code, § 11-16) (Ord. 7, passed 10-5-83; Am. Ord. 2007-05-02, passed 5-7-07) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Possession of alcoholic beverages, see G.S. § 18B-301(f)
It shall be unlawful to discharge any firearm, spring-loaded gun, air gun, or bow and arrow in the town. This section shall not apply to law enforcement officers while in the performance of their official duties.
('71 Code, § 11-15) (Ord. 6, passed 8-1-32) Penalty, see § 10.99