(A)   The following shall be classified as severe hazards:
      (1)   Severe hazards include, but are not limited to: pumps, tanks or any other container for conveying, storing or otherwise handling sewage, radioactive, lethal, or toxic substances, boiler and steam connections, sewer waste lines, low inlets to receptacles containing toxic substances, coils or jackets used as heat exchangers, bacterial and viral materials, private wells or other private water supply, irrigation systems, water systems or hose connections, with booster pumps such as Fire Department connections (FDC) and private hydrants used in conjunction with FDCs, carbonation equipment, or similar severe hazard potential as determined by the Town of Clayton Public Works and Utilities Director.
      (2)   Any location at which the nature or mode of operation within a structure are such that frequent alterations are made to the plumbing or at which there is a likelihood in the determination of the Town of Clayton Public Works and Utilities Director that protective measures may be subverted, altered, or disconnected.
      (3)   Any structure which contains, but is not limited to, a bottling plant, cannery, five or more building stories, battery manufacturer, exterminator, lawn care companies, greenhouse, chemical processing plant, dairy, dye works, film laboratory, car wash, hospital, other medical facilities including psychology and psychiatric offices that administer medications, commercial laboratory, laundries, tattoo parlor, metal fabricating operation, mortuary, swimming pool, morgue, x-ray equipment, medical office with laboratory, aspirator, medical washing equipment, packing house, plating plant, poultry house, power plant, nuclear reactor, those fire sprinkler systems equipped with facilities for introduction of freeze preventive chemicals or other substances other than water, dental office, any radioactive material, restaurant, shopping mall with a tenant conducting any activity listed in this section and sewage pump or treatment facilities.
   (B)   All installations classified as severe hazards pursuant to § 53.08(A) above must have a containment assembly in the form of a reduced pressure zone backflow assembly installed pursuant to § 53.10 of this code.
(Ord. 2020-01-06, passed 1-21-20)