The sidewalks and other public walkways of the City of Clarksburg, West Virginia, are places of gathering and commerce, where patrons, residents and visitor conduct business shops, sightsee, and recreate. Being in the heart of the City, these public walkways offer an array of services to support residents living nearby and those coming into the City to enjoy the urban core of the City, to include shopping, dining, art venues, courthouse services, and governmental services. Being adjacent to Washington Irving Middle School, these walkways are also impacted by students and parents in the process of drop-off/pick-up from the school. It is imperative that pedestrian flow along the sidewalks of these corridors be safe, effective, and efficient during times of heavy use. The primary purpose of a sidewalk is to provide a means of conveyance by foot. Interferences with that purpose should be minimized to the extent feasible. Sitting or lying on the sidewalks and other public walkways of the City of Clarksburg during times of heavy use poses a threat to safe pedestrian passage, especially for the elderly, disabled, vision-impaired, and small children. As there exists alternative public places in the City of Clarksburg that accommodate sitting or lying down, the Council finds it necessary and in furtherance of the public peace and good order that sitting or lying on the sidewalks and other public walkways of the City of Clarksburg be regulated in a manner that promotes safety but which preserves these areas for traditional constitutional expression and other lawful activity on sidewalks consistent with any City permitting requirements.
(Ord. 19-13. Passed 10-17-19.)