(a)    On each and every trailer unit there shall be a connection to a camp sewer arranged so that the sanitary fixtures in any auto trailer may be readily connected thereto. Immediately after being placed on a trailer unit, every auto trailer shall have all its sanitary fixtures connected to the sewer or sealed so that they cannot be used. Every such connection shall be by means of rigid pipe. Hose connections are not permissible.
   (b)    On each trailer unit shall be an ample supply of water for the use of the occupants thereof. There shall be two outlets on such service, both of which shall be adapted for hose connection.
   (c)    In every auto trailer camp there shall be provided not less than one public toilet for each sex for every ten trailer units or fraction thereof. In addition thereto there shall be one urinal for every ten trailer units. All toilet and urinal rooms shall have hard, smooth finished, cement floors and shall have walls plastered with Portland cement plaster with a polished steel trowel finish. All corners shall be rounded with a fillet of not less than one-half inch radius. Walls and floors may be finished in nonabsorbent tile in lieu of the cement finish specified above.
   (d)    In every auto trailer camp there shall be provided one bathtub or stall shower for each sex for every ten trailer units or fraction thereof. All such baths shall be provided at all times with an ample supply of hot and cold water. Bathrooms shall be constructed as specified for toilet rooms in subsection (c) hereof.
   (e)    In every auto trailer camp there shall be provided not less than one double compartment laundry tray and one lavatory for every ten trailer units and all such fixtures shall be at all times provided with an ample supply of hot and cold water. All the fixtures shall be installed in rooms constructed as specified for toilet rooms in subsection (c) hereof. All bathrooms shall be supplied with adequate heating equipment maintained in proper operating condition.
   (f)   In every auto trailer camp there shall be provided not less than one sink and one slop sink for every ten trailer units, and such fixtures shall be supplied with an adequate supply of hot and cold water.
   (g)    No trailer unit shall be more than two hundred feet from any of the sanitary fixtures required by this section to serve the trailer unit.
   (h)    Under and around every laundry tray, sink, lavatory and slop sink there shall be a concrete or tile floor and such floor shall extend three feet in all directions beyond the fixture.
   (i)    Every trailer unit shall be provided with a substantial covered garbage can as required by Article 957 for residences in the City. Such garbage can shall be kept on a concrete pavement not less than three feet square and four inches thick, with a smooth troweled top. In every auto trailer camp all the garbage cans shall be collected at one convenient place prior to garbage collection time on each day on which garbage is collected in that district. Immediately after the garbage has been collected, all the cans shall be carefully cleaned and returned to their respective trailer units.
   (j)    Every auto trailer camp shall be provided with a masonry incinerator, of a size suitable to handle the combustible wastes of the camp, and located as directed by the Chief of the Fire Department.
   (k)    In every auto trailer camp where automobiles or trailers are washed or are to be washed, there shall be installed a wash rack and no such washing shall be done except on the wash rack. All the wash racks shall be paved with a continuous concrete floor slab not less than fifteen feet by twenty-five feet by four inches thick and all parts thereof shall slope toward a drain so connected as to dispose of all waste water without nuisance or creation of an unsanitary condition.
(1969 Code §25-7)