(a)    Cleanliness of Equipment. All utensils and appliances, machines, refrigerators, racks, moulds, trucks, tables, blocks, counters, soda fountains, scales, towels, napkins, table covers and all other equipment or articles in use in the preparation, storage, serving or distributing of food products shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.
   (b)   Dishwashing Facilities. All food establishments where food products are prepared, served or sold which have any dishes, utensils or machinery to be washed shall provide at least the following:
      (1)    An adequate, accessible supply of hot and cold water of a quality suitable for drinking purposes.
      (2)    A two-compartment sink or tank and drainboard constructed of smooth nonabsorbent material or a mechanical dishwasher of proven efficiency. Wood effectively covered with metal shall be construed as nonabsorbent.
      (3)    Facilities for the storage of clean dishes, glassware, utensils and equipment that will protect them against dirt, dust, flies and other contaminating influences.
   (c)    Washing Methods. All dishes, glassware, silver and other implements after each single service shall:
      (1)    Be thoroughly washed in a soap or cleansing powder solution, and
      (2)    Immersed for a period of one minute in clear water which has a minimum temperature of one hundred eighty degrees Fahrenheit, or immersed for a period of two minutes in a chlorine solution containing at least one hundred parts per million free chlorine.
   This shall not exclude any other method approved by the Health Director.
(1969 Code §10-2)