(a)   No person, without authorization under another valid ordinance or law, shall bury or burn any solid waste material within the corporate limits of the City.
   (b)    (1)    No person shall cause waste collection services to be discontinued for non- payment of the lawful charges for such services; and
      (2)    No person who is the owner of a residential unit structure, dual residential unit structure, multiple family residential unit structure, or a non-residential unit structure shall cause or permit waste collection services to be discontinued at such structure for non-payment of the lawful charges for such services.
   (c)    No person, other than a private waste collection hauler authorized to operate within the corporate limits of the City, shall transport any solid waste over the streets and highways within the corporate limits of the City even if such solid waste was collected outside such corporate limits unless such person has received prior written authorization from the City Manager or his duly authorized representative. The City Manager, or his duly authorized representative, shall give such authorization only after determining that the vehicle which will be used for the transportation of such solid waste is completely enclosed and sufficiently capable of keeping any solid waste from spilling or falling from the vehicle and sufficiently capable of containing any odor which such solid waste produces.
   (d)    Nothing in subsection (c) hereof shall be construed to prohibit or limit any person of an owner occupied property, from collecting, transporting or disposing of solid waste actually produced by that owner, on that property, provided that such person shall not permit any solid waste to spill or fall on the streets or highways within the corporate limits of the City and said owner can show proof by receipt of disposal with an approved commercial solid waste landfill having a valid permit from the appropriate governmental agency of the State of West Virginia.
   (e)   No person shall fail or refuse to have any solid waste that is being produced or accumulated at any residential unit structure, dual residential unit structure, commercial establishment, multiple family residential unit structure or nonresidential unit structure collected at least once per week. This subsection shall be deemed to have been complied with if the person is a valid subscriber to solid waste collection services of a private waste collection hauler legally operating within the corporate limits of the City.
   (f)    No person shall park, store or keep any vehicle used in the collection, transportation or disposal of solid waste on any public street, alley or public property in any area presently or hereafter zoned residential in the City.
   (g)    No person shall place refuse in another's solid waste container or at another person's solid waste pick-up point for the purpose of evading the provisions of this article.
   (h)    No person shall dispose, throw, dump or release in any manner any solid waste material, litter or any other debris in or near any river, creek or other stream or on or near any road, street or other roadway, or upon any public or private grounds other than a licensed landfill.
   (i)    No person shall store solid waste in a manner that may cause it to be scattered or spilled by wild or domesticated animals during or before the time of scheduled solid waste material removal services.
   (j)   No person shall store solid waste in the out-of-doors unless such waste is kept in galvanized metal or plastic containers manufactured for the purpose of garbage storage. All such containers are required to have a close fitting lid and said lid shall be placed on said container at all times keeping said container water tight. The capacity of said containers shall be no more than forty gallons.
(Ord. 16-4. Passed 2-18-16.)