No live chicks, ducklings, goslings, turtles or rabbits that have been dyed or otherwise colored artificially, may be sold or offered for sale, raffled, offered or given as a prize, premium or advertising device; or displayed in any store, carnival or other public place within the corporate limits of the City.
   Live chicks, ducklings and/or goslings younger than four weeks of age may not be sold or offered for sale, raffled or offered or given as a prize, premium or advertising device in quantity of less than six birds to an individual person.
   Stores, shops, vendors or other offering live chicks, ducklings, goslings, turtles or rabbits for sale, raffle or as a prize premium or advertising device, or displaying chicks, ducklings, goslings, turtles or rabbits to the public, shall provide appropriate pens for such animals, and shall operate brooders or other heating devices that may be necessary to maintain the chicks, ducklings or goslings, in good health and shall keep adequate water and food available to such birds and animals at all times.
(1969 Code §3-21.1; 5-4-72)