The Municipal Building Commission shall have the power and authority to:
   (a)   Sue and be sued;
   (b)   Contract and be contracted with;
   (c)   Adopt, use and alter a common seal;
   (d)   Make and adopt all necessary, appropriate and lawful bylaws and rules and regulations pertaining to its affairs;
   (e)   Elect such officers, appoint such committees and agents and employ and fix the compensation of such employees and contractors as may be necessary for the conduct of the affairs and operations of the Commission;
   (f)   (1)   Acquire, purchase, own and hold any property, real or personal, and
      (2)   Acquire, construct, equip, maintain and operate public buildings, structures, projects and appurtenant facilities, of any type or types for which Council is permitted by law to expend public funds (all hereinafter in this article referred to as facilities);
   (g)   Apply, for receive and use grants-in-aid, donations and contributions from any source or sources, including, but not limited to, the United States of America, or any department or agency thereof, and accept and use bequests, devises, gifts and donations from any source whatsoever;
   (h)   Sell, encumber or dispose of any property, real or personal;
   (i)   Issue negotiable bonds, notes, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness and provide for the rights of the holders thereof, incur any proper indebtedness and issue any obligations and give any security therefor which it may deem necessary or advisable in connection with exercising powers as provided herein;
   (j)   Raise funds by the issuance and sale of revenue bonds in the manner provided by the applicable provisions of West Virginia Code 8-16-7, 8-16-10, 8-16-12 and 8-16-16, without regard to the extent provided in West Virginia Code 8-33-5, to the limitations specified in West Virginia Code 8-16-12;
   (k)   Subject to such reasonable limitations and conditions as Council may prescribe by ordinance, exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner provided for in West Virginia Code Chapter 54 for business corporations, for the purposes set forth in subsection (f) hereof, which purposes are hereby declared public purposes for which private property may be taken or damaged;
   (l)   Lease its property or any part thereof, for public purposes to such persons and upon such persons as the Commission deems proper, but when any municipality or county commission is a lessee under any such lease, such lease shall contain a provision granting to such municipality or county commission the option to terminate the lease during any fiscal year covered thereby; and,
   (m)   Do all things reasonable and necessary to carry out the foregoing powers; in particular, the Building Commission shall have all powers and duties given to it by State law.
      (Ord. 90-10. Passed 4-19-90.)