The Commission shall be composed of five individuals who shall be known as members of the Board, who shall be appointed for terms of five years by Council. The initial Board shall consist of five members, one member of which shall be appointed for a term of one year, one member of which shall be appointed for a term of two years, one member of which shall be appointed for a term of three years, one member of which shall be appointed for a term of four years and one member of which shall be appointed for a term of five years. As the term of each such initial appointee expires, the successor who fills the vacancy created by such expiration shall be appointed for a term of five years. Each member of the Board shall have one vote on all matters coming before it. Any individual who is a resident of the City shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Board. Council shall inform the Commission of its appointments or re-appointments to the Board by delivering to the Commission a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution making the appointment or re-appointment. No member of the Commission shall hold any office other than the office of notary public or employment under the United States of America, the State, any county or political subdivision thereof, or any political party.
(Ord. 15-6. Passed 3-26-15.)
   All appointments made to this Commission by Council shall be for terms to begin on December 1 of the year of the appointment. The first appointment made to the Commission after enactment of this paragraph shall be for a term on October 5 and thereafter the terms shall run on an annual basis beginning on December 1. Additionally, any member of this Commission appointed by City Council who has not been present for at least seventy percent (70%) of all regular and special meetings of the Commission in any calendar year, excluding absences deemed by the chairperson to be excusable, shall be removed from office upon the affirmative action of the chairperson of the Commission and after approval of such removal by Council and a replacement shall be chosen by City Council to serve the remainder of the existing term.
(Ord. 96-6. Passed 4-4-96; Ord. 01-12. Passed 10-4-01.)