The Chief of Police, under the direction of the City Manager, shall have the authority and is hereby authorized to appoint both adult school crossing guards and parking control attendants. The number to be appointed shall be fixed by a position classification resolution of Council.
The Chief of Police shall make available application blanks designed to require the information necessary to a determination of eligibility for appointment as an adult school crossing guard or parking control attendant under this article.
(1969 Code §20-3)
To be eligible for appointment to be an adult school crossing guard or a parking control attendant, a person shall:
(a) Be not less than eighteen and not more than sixty years of age.
(b) Be a high school graduate.
(c) Be a resident of this City.
(d) Be a citizen of the United States, of good moral character and able to read and write the English language understandably.
(e) If a female, be at least five feet two inches in height and her weight must be in accordance with that fixed by medical standards.
(f) Have ability to pass written and oral examinations.
(g) Be in good health, sound in body and mind and certified to by the City Health Director as being physically capable of performing the required duties.
(1969 Code §20-4)
The Chief of Police or the officer of the Police Department appointed to supervise parking control attendants shall conduct, and the parking control attendants shall present themselves for a period of preassignment formal training of such intensity and duration as shall be necessary to the performance of the required duties. And the supervisor of the school safety patrol and adult school crossing guards shall conduct, and such guards shall present themselves for a period of preassignment formal training of such intensity and duration as shall be necessary to the performance of the required duties.
(Ord. 85-1. Passed 1-3-85.)
Parking control attendants shall perform their duties as directed by the Chief of Police or the member of the Police Department assigned to supervise such attendants, and shall be on duty at the times and hours as posted for them.
Adult school crossing guards shall perform their duties as directed by the supervisor of the school safety patrol and adult school crossing guards and shall be on duty at the times and hours as posted for them.
(Ord. 85-1. Passed 1-3-85.)