(a)   The terms “architectural and engineering services”, “firm” and “professional firm” shall have, for the purpose of this article, the same meaning as that defined in Article 1, Chapter 5G, Section 2 of the West Virginia Code of 1931, as amended.
   (b)    In the procurement of architectural and engineering services for projects with an estimated cost of construction of $500,000.00 or more, competition shall be sought by the City Manager through a solicitation of interest which shall include information regarding project ownership, intended use, project scope, schedule, quality, budget, funding sources, project timelines, known proposed contract terms, and firm selection procedures where to direct questions on the RFP process and the date and time by when proposals must be submitted. The solicitation of interest shall be advertised by the City Manager by means of a Class II Legal Advertisement once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City and may in an appropriate case give additional notice by posting appropriate notices on the City's website and other electronic means, and/or by mailings to professional firms known to provide such services in the region by past submissions or by request to be included. Project proposals shall include qualifications and resumes of the primary staff who would be assigned to the project; an estimate of the firm's project fees, including any additional fees and charges based on the budget and scope of work; and an explanation of the services to be provided. The City Manager shall appoint and chair of a committee of three to five persons to evaluate the statements of qualifications and other information solicited and/or submitted by interested firms. The committee shall evaluate all proposals that are timely submitted, and, in doing so may utilize a technical review process and may but need not, interview a maximum of five firms, and then shall develop the scope of services, solicit price, and negotiate a contract to recommend to Council for final approval in the manner it deems most expedient given the project, the circumstances, and the best interest of the City. The City Manager may reject any proposal submitted for failure to provide adequate information or which he determines, in his sole discretion to not be in the City's best interest.
   (c)   If in the judgment of the City Manager the project has an estimated construction cost of under $500,000.00, or an emergency exists and seeking competition is not practical or in the best interest of the City given the project, the City Manager may select and contract with a firm based upon known or submitted qualifications acquired within the last 36 months from a public solicitation.
   (d)    No contract may be authorized to any firm or individual that is delinquent in any financial obligation to the City or that is not operating with all required licenses and permits.
(Ord. 15-22. Passed 11-9-15.)