The chief of the fire department shall be appointed by the city manager to serve for an indefinite term. The chief of the fire department shall be a person of proved executive and administrative ability, with experience or training in the suppression and prevention of fires. Subject to the direction and control of the city manager, the chief of the fire department shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the fire department, and shall require of all firemen the proper discharge of their duties. He shall make such inspections of buildings and property throughout the city as may be necessary to discover fire hazards, shall take all proper measures to eliminate such hazards, and shall keep an accurate record of all fires, inspections and fire hazards within the city. Under the direction of the city manager, he shall also perform such other duties as may be required of him by this charter, by general law, or by city ordinance or order of the city manager not inconsistent with this charter or with general law.