(A) There is hereby established a merit system of personnel administration for all employees of the Civil Defense Agency of the county, to be serviced by the state personnel division.
(B) The County Civil Defense Director is hereby authorized and directed to enter into such arrangements and agreements with the State Department of Civil Defense and the State Personnel Division as may be necessary to provide for a continuing merit program of personnel administration for all county civil defense employees.
(C) Such merit program shall be serviced by the State Personnel Division pursuant to the authority granted by I.C. 4-15-2.2, Page 37 of the State Personnel Act as amended by the Acts of 1971, and shall meet federal merit system standards of the U.S. Department of Defense, including the exemption of any positions from the merit program as is recognized in these same federal standards.
(D) For the purposes of administering the merit program for all employees of the Civil Defense Agency, the County Civil Defense Director is hereby considered and designated as the appointing officer.
(Ord. 1-1975, passed 3-17-1975)
(A) Each and every recital as set forth in the ordinance codified herein is incorporated into and made a part of this section.
(B) The Clerk of the Court in the county, and the Clerk’s authorized deputies, may continue to perform the official act of solemnizing marriages on the “other authorized days” identified in the ordinance codified herein.
(C) To the extent any reasonable fee is offered to the Clerk of the Court for this function, when not performed during working hours as aforesaid, this Board is not in a legal position to prohibit such discussions or the delivery of such fees to the Clerk when the Clerk is not performing these acts during county government’s regular working hours.
(D) The Board explicitly recognizes by this section that the Clerk of the Court is a position authorized under the laws and Constitution of the state and that persons holding the position of Clerk, as well as the Clerk’s authorized deputies, remain and exist in that capacity and in the functions of those positions before and after regular working hours of the county. The Board deems it necessary to the public interests that the Clerk and the Clerk’s authorized deputies are subject to inquiries and requests from persons seeking to solemnize a marriage and that public service can be best achieved by enabling the Clerk and the Clerk’s authorized deputies to be accessible to persons seeking to complete and solemnize a marriage under the reasons and circumstances set forth herein above.
(Ord. 11-2007, passed 9-20-2007)
(A) The County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the County All Hazards Mitigation Plan as an official plan.
(B) The County Emergency Management Agency will submit on behalf of the participating municipalities the adopted All Hazards Mitigation Plan to the State Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency officials for final review and approval.
(Res. 12-2008, passed 11-13-2008)
(A) Adoption of maps delineating revised precincts and districts. The Board hereby approves and adopts the precinct and district maps attached to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-2-3-4 and I.C. 36-2-3-4.7(a).
(B) Filing of ordinance with County Clerk. A copy of this section shall be filed with the Clerk of County Courts’ promptly after its final adoption pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-2-3-4.7(b).
(C) Effective date of section. This section shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and promulgation as evidenced by the affirmative signatures of the undersigned as the majority of the duly elected and serving members of the Board.
(Ord. 27-2011, passed 12-8-2011)