General Provisions
   39.01   Established
   39.02   Definitions
   39.03   Agreement
   39.04   911 fee
911 Advisory Board
   39.15   Established; composition; appointment
   39.16   Meetings
   39.17   Duties
Property Addresses
   39.30   Numbering property and buildings; display of numbers
   39.31   Addressing
   39.32   Renumbering; renaming
   39.33   Maintenance of number display; defacement; non-compliance
   39.99   Penalty
   Government Organization, see Ch. 30
   There is hereby established a safety answering service to provide a single telephone number for emergency services within the local area, which service shall be known as “911”.
(Prior Code, § 28.001) (Ord. 89-3, passed 4-26-1989)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   LOCAL AREA. The City of Winchester and Clark County, Kentucky.
   PHONE COMPANY. South Central Bell Telephone Company, a Georgia corporation. This shall include all providers of local phone service.
(Prior Code, § 28.002) (Ord. 89-3, passed 4-26-1989; Ord. 2000-18, passed 11-22-2000)
§ 39.03 AGREEMENT.
   (A)   The county, by and through the County Judge/Executive, is authorized to enter into an agreement with the phone company to provide for the construction, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of 911 within the local area. The agreement shall be for a period of one year after its execution and shall be automatically renewable upon the same terms and conditions unless, prior to 30 days of the close of the 12-month period, either party notifies the other of its intention to modify and/or terminate the agreement.
   (B)   The agreement shall reflect the installation costs and the current tariffed recurring charges for enhanced 911 service charged during the contract period.
(Prior Code, § 28.003) (Ord. 89-3, passed 4-26-1989)
§ 39.04 911 FEE.
   (A)   There is hereby established a 911 fee of $3 per month for each exchange telephone subscriber which is levied as a special tax, license, and/or fee to be paid by each exchange telephone subscriber in the local area on an individual exchange line basis limited to a maximum of 25 exchange lines per account, by June 1, 2008, and each month thereafter. Phone company shall collect the 911 fee from the subscriber and remit said fee to the county according to the terms of the agreement.
   (B)   The County Judge/Executive be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and contracts that may be necessary for the implementation of the enhanced 911 telephone service and the increased rate of $3 per month for each exchange telephone subscriber.
(Prior Code, § 28.004) (Ord. 89-3, passed 4-26-1989; Ord. 95-15, passed 8-24-1995; Ord. 2008-13, passed 5-28-2008)