(A) There is hereby established the County 911 Advisory Board, which shall be comprised of the following individuals:
(1) County representative appointed by the County Judge/Executive;
(2) City representative appointed by the Mayor of the City of Winchester;
(3) County Sheriff;
(4) Winchester Police Chief;
(5) Representative from the State Police;
(6) Representative from the County Hospital;
(7) Representative from the Winchester-Clark County Ambulance Service;
(8) County Fire Chief;
(9) Winchester Fire Chief; and
(10) A citizen knowledgeable of communication systems appointed by the County Judge/Executive.
(B) Appointed representatives serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
(Prior Code, § 28.100) (Ord. 89-3, passed 4-26-1989)
(A) All properties within the county shall be numbered for the purposes of public safety, taxation, and provision of services.
(B) All principal buildings and leasable/salable portions of the buildings which have separate and direct outside entrances shall have the site number permanently and prominently displayed, at the expense of the owners or occupants thereof, so as to be clearly visible and identifiable at all times during daylight hours to persons in vehicles traveling in both directions of the street upon which the structure is located.
(C) The property number shall be a minimum of three inches in height and shall be affixed to the structure at a point at least three feet above ground level. If the structure is not visible from the public or private right-of-way upon which the structure is located, the site number may also be displayed in such a manner that satisfies the visibility requirements in division (B) above. Notwithstanding the above, where more than one principal building is located upon a property and where the site number is clearly displayed at the street entrance to the property, each principal building shall not be required to display the site number so long as each building is clearly identified by a building number or letter.
(D) Structures with multiple units shall have each major doorway labeled with a range of numbers, letters, or other authorized unit designations when the doorway leads to more than one leasable/salable unit of a building. The designations shall be used to distinguish individual suites, units, rooms, or apartments within the same building or structure and served by single door. No more than five characters may be used in the unit designations. The designations shall contain only letters or numbers. If abbreviations are used, they must follow the United States Postal Service’s Standards for Secondary Address Unit Designators.
(E) The Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission, with assistance from the United States Postal Service pertaining to existing roadways, shall solely be authorized to assign or cause to be assigned a property number, site number, and/or a building number where appropriate so as to ensure no duplication of numbers or street names. The Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission, City Clerk, and County Clerk shall maintain a street index file containing the official list of valid street names.
(F) No private access easement shall be named without the prior approval of the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission. All private access easements that are named with the approval of the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission shall have a regulation street sign, purchased and erected at the expense of the owners, placed at each intersection of the named easement and any other named easement or street.
(Prior Code, § 28.200) (Ord. 96-5, passed 2-29-1996)
(A) All addresses must contain a number. No number may contain more than five digits. Only whole numbers may be used in addresses. All addresses on a street shall have sequential numbers.
(B) All addresses must contain a street name. The names may contain a maximum of 20 letters, however, such names shall not contain fewer than two letters. The following are prohibited in new street names:
(1) Numerical digits or numerical names;
(2) Leading single letter phrases;
(3) Confusing, obscene, or irregularly spelled words;
(4) Duplicate or closely approximate names of other streets; and
(5) Use of the words “service”, “street”, “drive”, or “avenue”.
(C) An address shall not contain a duplication of the type of street within its name (i.e., Veterans Park PK). When an address contains the names of two types of streets, the first type becomes part of the street name and second type must be abbreviated.
(D) Streets having the same name, but designated as different types of streets, are acceptable only when the streets are contiguous and have unique number sequences.
(E) Structures must have frontage or an entrance to the street on which their address is assigned.
(F) Separate streets which are capable of ultimate connection shall have the same name until it is determined that their connection will not likely occur. Once the roadways are deemed unconnectable, the addresses shall be changed to assign unique street names for all affected segments.
(Prior Code, § 28.201) (Ord. 96-5, passed 2-29-1996)
Whenever, in the opinion of the Winchester Board of Commissioners and the County Fiscal Court, it shall become necessary or advisable to renumber or rename any or all properties and/or sites on a street, the E-911 Committee or Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission shall designate the numbers/names for all such properties or sites, and thereupon notify the owners and/or occupants, if the owner be a nonresident thereof, to have the designated number/street name changed and properly displayed on such property or site.
(Prior Code, § 28.202) (Ord. 96-5, passed 2-29-1996)
(A) The Codes or Law Enforcement personnel for the city and county governments shall have the power to require the owner or occupant of any business or residential structure within the county to affix and maintain building, site, and/or property numbers as required in this subchapter.
(B) Any person who unlawfully defaces, moves, removes, or causes to be moved or removed any building, site, or property number affixed upon a structure or other device such as a street sign in such a way that it is not clearly visible and identifiable at all time during daylight hours, shall be subject to the penalty provided in § 39.99.
(C) Any person who places or causes to be placed any sign bearing a name not approved by the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission upon any private access easement shall be subject to the penalty provided in § 39.99.
(Prior Code, § 28.203) (Ord. 96-5, passed 2-29-1996)