Regulation of Sale
110.01 Purpose
110.02 Definitions
110.03 Reserved for later use
110.04 Advertising
110.05 Separate premises
110.06 Passageway
110.07 Sale in containers
110.08 Not to drink on premises
110.09 Sale only at retail store
110.10 Conformance with zoning ordinance
110.11 Location
110.12 Not to sell to persons under 21
110.13 False documentation
110.14 Not to sell to intoxicated person
110.15 Drinking or possession in public
110.16 Minimum age to employ
110.17 Time of sale
110.18 Persons under 21 not to be permitted to enter
110.19 Persons under 21 not to enter
110.20 Time of delivery
110.21 Intoxication prohibited in designated places
Alcoholic Beverage Tax
110.55 Definitions
110.56 Occupation tax levied
110.57 Payment of tax; proration
110.58 City Clerk to make report
110.59 Payment of tax required
110.60 Application for certificate; investigations
110.61 Issuance of certificate of zoning and certificate of compliance
110.99 Penalty