Publisher's Note: This Section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 11-25, adopted 10-7-2024). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
Section 101 Traffic control signals shall be installed at the following locations (See section 7-2-23):
(1) U.S. 64-79 and S.R. 1715;
(2) U.S. 64-70 and S.R. 1716;
(3) U.S. 64-70 and Depot Street.
Section 102 Vehicles may not turn right on red lights after coming to a completestop on the following streets (See section 7-1-23(3)a.):
Section 103 Flashing yellow caution signal lights shall be installed at the following locations (See section 7-1-24):
Section 104 Yield right-of-way signs shall be posted at the following locations (See section 7-1-30):
(1) Peachtree Street, facing south at Walter Drive. (Ord. of 10/4/93, No. 213-93)
Section 105 Twenty mile per hour speed limit on the following state highway system streets (Sec section 7-1-42(a)(1)):
(1) U.S. 70 (Main Street) between the intersection with Pine Street and the intersection with Spring Street. Further described as from a point 0.145 miles east of SR 1715 (N. Oxford St.), eastward to a point 0.248 miles east of SR 1716 (Lookout St.).
(Ord. of 9/8/14, No. 04-14)
Section 106 Twenty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following state high-way system streets (Sec section 7-1-42(a)(2)):
(1) U.S. 64-70 (Main Street) between the intersection with Pine Street and the intersection with Spring Street.
Section 107 Thirty mile per hour speed limit on the following state highway system streets (See section 7-1-42(a)(3)):
Section 108 Thirty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following state highway system streets (See Section 7-1-42(a)(4)):
(1) U.S. 70 from eastern city limits to Claremont Park entrance drive;
(2) U.S. 70 from western city limits to Pine Street;
(3) S.R. 1722 (South Depot Street) from a point 0.1 mile south of Frazier Drive to Catawba Street;
(4) S.R. 1722 (Catawba Street) from the eastern city limits to South Depot Street;
(5) S.R. 1716 (Lookout Street) from city limits to Catawba Street;
(6) S.R. 1715 (North Oxford Street) from a point 0.10 mile north of I-40 to U.S. 70 (West Main Street);
(7) S.R. 1730 (Penny Road) from U.S. 70 to terminus. (Ord. of 3/2/92, No. 188-92)
(8) S.R. 2436 (Kelly Blvd.) from S.R. 1929 (Heart Drive) to S.R. 1722 (South Depot Street). (Ord. of 4/3/00, No. 333-00)
(9) S.R. 1929 (Heart Drive) from U.S. Highway 70 to S.R. 1731 (Keisler Dairy Road). (Ord. of 4/3/00, No. 333-00)
Section 109 Forty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following state highway system streets (See section 7-1-42(a)(5)):
(1) S. Depot Street (SR 1722) from the southern corporation limits, approximately 0.46 mile south of Frazier Drive to a point 0.1 mile south of Frazier Drive. (Ord of 3/2/92)
(2) North Oxford Street from a point 0.10 mile north of I-40 northward to the north corporate limit of the city, a point 0.18 mile north of SR 2415. (Ord. No. 183-91)
(3) SR 2438 (Centennial Blvd.) from SR 1715 (North Oxford Street) to SR 1716 (North Lookout Street). (Ord. of 3/6/95, No. 238-95)
(4) S.R. 2438 (Centennial Blvd.) from S.R. 1716 (North Lookout Street) to U.S. Highway 70. (Ord. of 4/3/00, No. 333-00)
(5) S.R. 2436 (Kelly Blvd.) from a point .439 miles southwest of S.R. 1722 (Old Catawba Rd.) to S.R. 3118 (Heart Drive). (Ord. of 7/2/12, No. 02-12; Ord. of 2/2/15, No. 16-14)
(6) S.R. 3118 (Heart Dr.) from S.R. 2436 (Kelly Blvd) to S.R. 1731 (Keisler Dairy Rd.) (Ord. of 7/2/12, No. 02-12)
Section 110 Fifty mile per hour speed limit on the following state highway system streets (See section 7-1-42(a)(6)):
Section 111 Fifty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following state highway system streets (See section 7-1-42(a)(7)):
Section 112 Twenty mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(1)):
Section 113 Twenty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(2)):
(1) That portion of Calvin Street in the City of Claremont, North Carolina that runs in an easterly direction from the intersection of Calvin Street with Lookout Street. (Ord. of 7/13/71)
(2) Calvin Street westerly from Lookout Street to Oak Street;
(3) Peachtree Street northerly from U.S. 64-70 to the city limits;
(4) North Church Street from Calvin Street southerly to terminus;
(5) North Church Street northerly from U.S. 64-70 to Anderson Street;
(6) Spring Street southerly from U.S. 64-70 to terminus.
(7) Weddington Way from North Oxford Street to Lawrence Drive. (Ord. of 10/4/93, No. 214-93)
(8) Dogwood Drive from U.S. Highway 70 to terminus. (Ord. of 12/2/96, No. 270-96)
(9) Lawrence Drive. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 289-97; Ord. of 8/4/03, No. 371-03)
(10) Oak Street. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 289-97)
(11) Anderson Street. (Ord. of 11/3/98, No. 289-97)
(12) Saint Vincent Street. (Ord. of 2/5/01, No. 344-01)
(13) Sterling Court. (Ord. of 2/5/01, No. 344-01)
(14) Cardinal Lane. (Ord. of 2/5/01, No. 344-01)
(15) Riber Lane. (Ord. of 2/5/01, No. 344-01)
(16) Emperor Street. (Ord. of 2/5/01, No. 344-01)
(17) Genelia Drive. (Ord. of 10/1/12, No. 06-12)
(18) Hursey Avenue. (Ord. of 10/1/12, No. 06-12)
(19) Montclair Drive.
(20) Chloe Court.
(21) Peachtree Street Extension.
(22) Walter Drive.
(23) School Street.
(24) Byrd Street.
(25) Sigmont Drive.
(26) Willard Street.
(27) Cloninger Street.
(28) Bethlehem Drive.
(29) North Depot Street.
(30) Yount Street.
(31) Phifer Street.
(32) Baker Street.
(33) Savannah Lane.
(34) White Oak Court.
(35) Charleston Court.
(36) White Oak Court Extension.
(37) Williamsburg Place.
(38) Gettysburg Place.
(39) Hillcrest Drive.
(40) Grace Street.
(41) Harwell Street.
(42) Cutrite Street. (Ord. of 11/7/22, No. 16-23)
Section 114 Thirty mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(3)):
Section 115 Thirty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(4)):
All city streets unless otherwise specified within Appendix 1.
Section 116 Forty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(5)):
Section 117 Fifty mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(6)):
Section 118 Fifty-five mile per hour speed limit on the following city streets (See section 7-1-42(b)(7)):
Section 119 No left turns at the following intersections (See section 7-1-52)
Section 120 No right turns at the following intersections (See section 7-1-52)
Section 121 No U-turns at the following locations (See section 7-1-52):
(1) South Lookout Street in front of the fire department.
Section 122 One-way streets (See section 7-1-62):
(1) First Street, N.W. (also known as Anderson Street) between its intersection with First Avenue, N.W. (also known as Church Street) and its intersection with Second Avenue, N.W. (also known as Pine Street), one way in a westerly direction. (Ord. of 6/1/71, Sec. 1)
Section 123 Through streets (See section 7-1-71):
(1) South Lookout Street at Catawba Street;
(2) West Calvin Street at Oak Street;
(3) East Calvin Street, facing east, at North Lookout Street;
(4) East Calvin Street, facing west, at North Lookout Street;
(5) School Street, facing north, at Williard Street;
(6) School Street, facing north, at Calvin Street;
(7) School Street, facing south, at Calvin Street;
(8) Byrd Street, facing north, at Willard Street;
(9) Willard Street, facing west, at Lookout Street;
(10) Cloninger Drive, facing south, at U.S. 64-70;
(11) Spring Street, facing north, at U.S. 64-70;
(12) North Depot Street, facing south, at Calvin Street;
(13) North Church Street, facing north, at Calvin Street;
(14) Huffman Street at Oak Street;
(15) Huffman Street at North Church Street;
(16) Anderson Street at North Depot Street;
(17) Anderson Street at Pine Street;
(18) Pine Street at North Oxford Street;
(19) Pine Street at U.S. 64-70;
(20) Reserved. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(21) North Church Street, facing south, at U.S. 64-70;
(22) South Church Street, facing north, at U.S. 64-70;
(23) Phiefer Street at North Oxford Street;
(24) Montclair Street at North Oxford Street;
(25) Montclair Street at Peachtree Street;
(26) Grace Street at Peachtree Street;
(27) Grace Street at Dogwood Drive;
(28) Peachtree Street at U.S. 64-70;
(29) Dogwood Drive at U.S. 64-70;
(30) Reserved. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(31) Cutrite Street at South Oxford Street;
(32) Frazier Drive, facing east, at South Oxford Street;
(33) Frazier Drive, facing west, at South Oxford Street;
(34) Frazier Drive, facing east, at South Depot Street;
(35) Catawba Street, facing west, at South Depot Street;
(36) Yount Street, facing west at South Depot Street;
(37) Baker Street, facing south, at Yount Street;
(38) Baker Street, facing north, at Catawba Street;
(39) Harwell Street at Yount Street;
(40) Yount Street, facing east, at Bethlehem Drive;
(41) Bethlehem Drive at Catawba Street;
(42) Bethlehem Drive at Cloninger Street;
(43) Carpenter Street, facing north, at Cloninger Street;
(44) Sipe Drive, facing north, at Cloninger Street;
(45) Smyre Street, facing west, at Carpenter Street;
(46) Smyre Street, facing east, at Sipe Drive;
(47) West Calvin Street facing west, at North Depot Street; (Ord. of 1/6/92)
(48) West Calvin Street facing east, at North Depot Street; (Ord. of 1/6/92)
(49) Weddington Way, facing west, at North Oxford Street;
(50) Weddington Way, facing east, at Lawrence Drive;
(51) Hillcrest Drive, facing north, at Sigfield Drive;
(52) Sigfield Drive, facing east, at North Oxford Street;
(53) Montclair Drive, facing west, at North Oxford Street;
(54) Centennial Blvd., facing west, at North Oxford Street;
(55) Reserved. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(56) Cobb Road, facing west, at North Lookout Street;
(57) Penny Road, facing south, at Kelly Blvd.;
(58) Frazier Drive, facing west, at Penny Road;
(59) Keisler Drive at North Oxford; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(60) Savannah Lane at Rock Barn Road; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(61) Charleston Court facing west at Savannah Lane; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(62) Charleston Court facing east at Savannah Lane; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(63) Williamsburg Drive at Savannah Lane; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(64) Gettysburg Place facing southwest at Savannah Lane; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(65) Gettysburg Place facing northeast at Savannah Lane; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(66) White Oak Court at Frazier Drive; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(67) White Oak Court at White Oak Court Extension; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(68) White Oak Court Extension at Frazier Drive; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(69) Centennial Blvd. at North Lookout Street; (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(70) Kelly Blvd. at Heart Drive; (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(71) North Church Street at Anderson Street. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(72) Anderson Street at North Church Street. (Ord. of 7/7/97, No. 283-97)
(73) Cardinal Lane at Frazier Drive; (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(74) Cardinal Lane at St. Vincent Drive; (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(75) Sterling Court at St. Vincent Drive; (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(76) St. Vincent Drive at South Depot Street; (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(77) Emperor Street at Riber Lane; (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(78) Emperor Street at St. Vincent Drive; (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(79) Riber Lane at Cardinal Lane. (Ord. of 4/6/98, No. 292-98)
(80) Centennial Blvd. at U.S. Highway 70. (Ord. of 4/3/00, No. 333-00)
(81) Hursey Ave. at Genelia Drive. (Ord. of 4/3/00, No. 333-00)
(82) Genelia Drive at S.R. 1722 (Catawba Road) (Ord. of 4/3/00, No. 333-00)
Section 125 Freight loading zones (See section 7-1-142):
(1) The west side of South Depot Street between 210 feet and 290 feet south of the southwest corner of the intersection of U.S. Highway 70 and South Depot Street. (Ord. of 8/7/89)
Section 126 Passenger loading zones (See section 7-1-143):
(1) Main Street from St. Mark's Lutheran Church to 3-Way Service Station.
(2) South Depot Street from Main Street to the Southern Railroad Track. (Ord. of 7/11/72)
Section 127 The following streets or portions thereof, are designated as public carrier loading and unloading zones (See section 7-1-144):
Section 128 No parking allowed at any time on the following streets or portions of streets (See section 7-1-153):
(1) Both sides of that portion of Calvin Street which extend in an easterly direction from the intersection of Calvin Street and Lookout Street. (Ord. of 7/13/71)
(2) Both sides of Cloninger Street between Carpenter Drive and Sipe Drive. (Ord. of 1/10/78)
(3) The east side of South Main Avenue between Main Street and the A.R. Miller property driveway. (Ord. of 1/30/66, Sec. 1)
(4) Both sides of West Main Street (U.S. 64-70) between the southeast corner of the St. Mark's Lutheran Church parking lot, and the southwest corner of the Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church property; provided, however, that parking shall be permitted for that period of time beginning one (1) hour prior to and ending one and one-half (1½) hours after the time set for the beginning of any scheduled funeral service at either St. Mark's Lutheran Church or Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church. (Ord. of 1/4/72)
(5) The south side of Main Street adjacent to the property upon which is located the First National Bank of Catawba County. (Ord. of 5/4/76)
(6) The north side of Main Street from the intersection of Depot Street, easterly to the intersection of Lookout Street.
(7) Both sides of School Street southerly from Calvin Street to terminus.
(8) The south side of Anderson Street from North Depot Street to Pine Street.
(9) The east side of North Lookout Street from U.S. 64- 70 to the corner of a brick building, currently Stewarts Grocery, being a distance of approximately 60 feet from the centerline of U.S. 64-70.
(10) Peachtree Street, excluding the area on the eastern side, 300 feet north of U.S. 64-70, to the crest of the hill. (Ord. of 3/2/87)
(11) The west side of South Depot Street extending south 43 feet from the southwest corner of the intersection of U.S. Highway 70 and South Depot Street. (Ord. of 8/7/89)
(12) Both sides of that portion of Keisler Drive which extend in an easterly direction from the intersection of Keisler Drive and North Oxford Street to the end of the pavement; (Ord. of 9/ /96, No. 263-96)
(13) The north side of U.S. 70 extending east 150 feet from the northeast corner of the intersection of U.S. 70 and North Lookout Street; (Ord. of 9//96, No. 263-96)
(14) Both sides of Peachtree Street Extension from approximately 210 feet south of the driveway at 2985 Peachtree Street Extension to approximately 175 feet north of the same location. (Ord. of 9/13/21, No. 07-22)
Section 129 No parking allowed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays upon any of the following streets or portions of streets (See section 7-1-154):
Section 130 No parking allowed between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Sundays upon any of the following streets or portions of streets (See section 7-1-154):
Section 131 No parking allowed between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. on any day on any of the following streets or portions of streets (See section 7-1-154):
Section 132 Parking limited to two (2) hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets as follows (See section 7-1-155):
Section 133 Parking limited to one (1) hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district upon any of the streets as follows (See section 7-1-155)
Section 134 Parking limited to 10 minutes (See section 7-1-155):
(1) The east side of North Lookout Street from approximately 60 feet north of the centerline of U.S. 64-70 to approximately 120 feet north of the centerline of U.S. 64-70 alongside an existing brick commercial building currently known as Stewarts Grocery.
Section 135 Trucks prohibited on certain streets except when making deliveries (See section 7-1-161):
(1) Peachtree Street from the crest of the hill immediately past the Montclair Furniture Company driveway exist northward to the city limits;
(2) Baker Street;
(3) North Church Street from U.S. 64-70 northward to Anderson Street;
(4) Pine Street from U.S. 64-70 to Oxford Street.
Section 136 Trucks over three-fourths (3/4) ton prohibited on certain streets (See section 7-1-161):