Subdivision Procedures
1199.01   Pre-application meeting.
1199.02   Submittal of minor subdivisions (“lot splits”).
1199.03   Application for preliminary plan.
1199.04   Contents of application for preliminary plan.
1199.05   Submittal of preliminary plan to Planning and Zoning Commission.
1199.06   Action on preliminary plan by Planning and Zoning Commission.
1199.07   Application for final plat.
1199.08   Plans and specifications for site improvements.
1199.09   Review by Director of Public Service.
1199.10   Construction of improvements and performance guarantees.
1199.11   Application for approval of final plat.
1199.12   Contents of application for final plat.
1199.13   Action by Planning and Zoning Commission.
1199.14   Conditional approval.
1199.15   Appeal of plat refusal.
1199.16   Acceptance of public lands and improvements.
1199.17   Recording of plat.
   Prior to preparation of a preliminary plan, an Owner/Developer is encouraged to meet with the Director of Public Service and/or the Planning and Zoning Commission to familiarize himself/herself with the provisions of this Code, the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable regulations. The submittal of a concept or sketch plan for the proposed development, incorporating existing aerial photographs and topographic information, and plans for adjacent areas, is strongly recommended.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   (a)   If the Director of Public Service, or his/her designated agent, determines that the proposed subdivision of land meets the following criteria, then it shall be classified as a minor subdivision:
      (1)   Adjoins an existing public street and does not involve opening, widening, extension or improvement of any roadway or the installation of any public utilities, and
      (2)   Creates no more than five (5) lots including the remainder, and
      (3)   Complies with the requirements of Chapter 711 of the Ohio Revised Code and applicable zoning regulations of the City.
   (b)   If the subdivision is considered as a minor subdivision, only such drawings and information as is determined necessary by the Director of Public Service to determine compliance with pertinent subdivision, zoning and other regulations need to be submitted for approval. At a minimum, the submitted material shall include a survey of the property by a Registered Surveyor, along with a completed application form as provided for such purpose by the Office of Public Service.
   (c)   After determination that such action meets the criteria for a minor subdivision and within ten (10) business days after it has been submitted, the Director of Public Service may approve or disapprove said minor subdivision by indicating upon the preliminary plan or instrument of conveyance "Approved (Disapproved) Circleville Planning and Zoning Commission / No Plat Required", or he/she may refer such submittal to the full Planning and Zoning Commission. In cases of approval or disapproval, one (1) copy of the preliminary plan or instrument of conveyance, with such notation thereon, shall be retained for the files of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The decision of the Director of Public Service may be appealed in writing to the full Planning and Zoning Commission within thirty (30) days from the date of the approval or disapproval.
   (d)   If no action on the proposed minor subdivision is taken within thirty (30) days from submittal, then the minor subdivision shall be considered as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   (a)   Upon determining to proceed with a preliminary plan, the Owner/ Developer shall submit nine (9) complete sets of drawings and other material for an application as specified in Section 1199.04 below, to the Director of Public Service, along with applicable fees as established by City Council in separate Ordinance.
   (b)   Within fifteen (15) working days from receipt, the Director of Public Service shall review the submitted materials to determine completeness. If the application meets the submittal requirements as specified in Section 1199.04 below, the Director of Public Service shall certify such application and proceed with review. If the application is found to be incomplete, the Owner/Developer shall be notified, and the submitted materials shall be so marked.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   The application for preliminary plan shall, at a minimum, include the following information:
   (a)   Proposed name of the subdivision and its location;
   (b)   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of owners and/or developers;
   (c)   Name, address and registration number of the Professional Engineer or Professional Surveyor preparing the plan.
   (d)   Date, north arrow and plan scale;
   (e)   Boundary lines of the proposed development and the total tract owned or controlled by Owner /Developer, along with the acreage of both;
   (f)   Existing physical features, including any existing structures, with contour lines at not more than two foot (2') intervals if slope of the site is fifteen percent (15%) or less, and five feet (5') feet if slope of the site is more than fifteen percent (15%). Contours shall be based on USGS topographic information, recent aerial photography and/or ground surveys;
   (g)   Portions of the site identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as within the Official Flood Hazard Area for the 100-Year Flood, as specified on Official Flood Hazard studies, or Flood Hazard Boundary Map(s) for Circleville, as may be amended.
   (h)   Portions of the site subject to federal wetlands requirements.
   (i)   Existing sewers, water mains, transmission lines, culverts and other underground structures within the tract, adjacent to the tract or that will be used in developing the tract, indicating pipe sizes, grades and locations;
   (j)   Proposed lot or parcel dimensions, street rights-of-way widths, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer layout, along with grades and elevation of proposed streets, storm sewers and sanitary sewers;
   (k)   Other utility system layouts and requirements;
   (l)   Proposed methods for addressing storm runoff;
   (m)   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or reserved by deed covenant with the conditions proposed for such covenant, and for the dedications;
   (n)   For commercial and/or industrial development, the location, dimensions and grades of proposed parking and loading areas, alleys, streets and points of vehicular ingress and egress to the site.
   All drawings shall be submitted in AutoCAD format and as PDF images.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   Upon certification of the preliminary plan application pursuant to Section 1199.03 above, the Director of Public Service shall review said application and submit same to other City departments and/or other entities as deemed appropriate for input. In addition, the Director of Public Service may seek the input of special consultants for the express purpose of providing input on particular issues. After review, the Director of Public Service shall submit the preliminary plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission, along with a compilation of comments, recommendations and input received from other sources and his/her recommendations for action. The date of submittal of the preliminary plan shall be deemed the date of the first Planning and Zoning Commission meeting following completion of review by the Director of Public Service.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   (a)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and take action on the preliminary plan not later than thirty (30) days from submittal of the preliminary plan to the Commission by the Director of Public Service pursuant to Section 1199.05 above, or within such further time as is agreed upon by the Owner/Developer. In reviewing the preliminary plan, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the input received from the Director of Public Service.
   (b)   A preliminary plan shall not be approved unless the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that:
      (1)   The preliminary plan complies with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code these regulations and other codes of the City, and
      (2)   The subdivision can be adequately served with public facilities and services suitable under the specific circumstances, and
      (3)   Land intended for building sites appears suitable for development and is not likely to be subject to peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, poor soil conditions or other menace; however, preliminary approval shall not be construed to imply or infer any warranty or assurance by the City that such hazards do not exist, or any liability thereof.
   (c)   The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve, disapprove, or approve with modification the submitted plan. The grounds for the action, including citation or reference for rules violated by the plan, shall be stated in the written record of the Commission. Any approval of a preliminary plan shall be effective for a period of two (2) years.
   (d)   In the event that modifications are required, a copy of the revised preliminary plan incorporating such modifications shall be completed by the Owner/Developer and submitted to the Commission for the permanent file.
   (e)   Approval of the preliminary plan shall confer upon the applicant the right for a two (2) year period from the date of approval that the general terms and conditions under which approval was granted will not be changed, and that within such two (2) year period, the whole, including all parts of the preliminary plan shall be submitted for final approval, pursuant to Section 1199.07 below, unless an extension of such time is granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   Upon approval of the preliminary plan, an application for a final plat for land being subdivided shall be submitted by the Owner/Developer to the Director of Public Service. It shall incorporate all modifications required by the Planning and Zoning Commission during approval of the preliminary plan, and otherwise conform to the preliminary plan as approved. The Owner/Developer may apply for a final plat covering that portion of an approved preliminary plan which he/she proposes to develop and record at the time, provided that such portion conforms to all provisions of these regulations.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   (a)   Prior to action on a final plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant shall prepare Construction and Grading Plans, specifications and cost estimates of the required site improvements. Such cost estimates shall reflect current prevailing wage rates, and be prepared and certified by a Professional Engineer. A minimum of twenty (20) copies of such material shall be submitted to the Director of Public Service, who shall provide copies of the plans and estimates to local utilities, as applicable. All drawings shall be submitted in AutoCAD format and as PDF images, and shall comply with the requirements of the Department of Public Service
   (b)   The estimates shall be grouped according to the following:
      (1)   Street improvements, including curb, gutter, pavement, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage and signage;
      (2)   Water mains, including lines, valves and hydrants;
      (3)   Sanitary sewers, including lines, manholes, lift stations and service taps if located within the public street right-of-way;
      (4)   Storm drainage improvements, including pipes, drainage structures, and grading and earthwork for detention/retention areas and open channels.
      (5)   Site improvements, including seeding, sodding, and erosion control.
      (6)   Other site improvements as required by the Director of Public Service.
         (Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   The Director of Public Service shall review the plans submitted pursuant to Section 1199.08 above, and, subject to his review, they shall be approved or returned with comments. The Director of Public Service may submit the plans for review by special consultants selected by the City for that purpose, if it is determined by the Director that such review is warranted. The costs associated with such reviews shall be paid for by the Owner/Developer.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   (a)   The Owner/Developer may install, construct, have inspected and approved by the Director of Public Service all required site improvements prior to submitting the application for approval of a final plat or he/she may furnish satisfactory performance guarantees, pursuant to Chapter 1191, for the construction of such improvements.
   (b)   No lot, parcel or tract shall be transferred from the proposed development nor shall any construction work on such development, including street grading, be started until the Owner/Developer has obtained approval of the final plat, approval of the Construction and Grading Plans from the Director of Public Service, approval of necessary bonds and/or letters of credit, payment of all applicable inspection and other development fees, execution of any development agreement, and recording of such plat by the Pickaway County Recorder.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   Upon determining to proceed with a final plat, the Owner/ Developer shall submit six (6) complete sets of drawings and materials as specified in Section 1199.12 below to the Director of Public Service. The applicant shall submit all fees as applicable for a final plat, as established by City Council. The application shall be submitted within two (2) years after approval of the preliminary plan; otherwise, approval of the preliminary plan shall become null and void unless an extension is granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Within ten (10) working days, the Director of Public Service shall review the application, and determine if such application is complete and if all applicable requirements of this Zoning Ordinance have been met. If he/she determines that all applicable requirements have been met, the Director of Public Service shall transmit the application to the Planning and Zoning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting, which shall be deemed the date of submission of the final plat.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   A final plat shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch to one-hundred feet, capable of printing on sheet or sheets 24"X 36" in size, or other size and scale as determined appropriate by the Director of Public Service. All drawings shall be submitted in AutoCAD format and as PDF images. The final plat shall contain the following items:
   (a)   Name of the subdivision and the section number, if it is a portion of the total subdivision.
   (b)   A legal description giving the number of acres, City, township, section, range, parcel identification number and property owner's name.
   (c)   All required certifications and approvals.
   (d)   Requested covenants and/or deed restrictions.
   (e)   Sheet and total number for each sheet, including covenant sheet and construction plan.
   (f)   Scale and north indicator.
   (g)   The bearings and distances of the boundary lines of the subdivision.
   (h)   The bearings and distances of all lot lines or areas dedicated to public uses within the subdivision. In case of curved sides of lots, the tangent deflection angle, the length of the tangent, the length of radius, the length of arc and the length and bearing of the chord shall be given.
   (i)   Lot numbers.
   (j)   The bearing and distances of all straight sections of street center lines. Curved sections of street center lines shall show the same information as curved lot lines.
   (k)   Street names.
   (l)   Street, alley and easement widths. Any easements not parallel to property lines shall show the bearings and distances of the lines.
   (m)   The location of all permanent markers or monuments.
   (n)   Building setback lines with their distance from the right-of-way lines.
   (o)   The proposed location of all utilities and easements, including dimensions.
   (p)   Certification of engineering data on the plat by a Professional Engineer or Surveyor.
   (q)   All of the above, including any additional requirements as may be cited by the Pickaway County Auditor or Recorder.
      (Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)
   (a)   If the final plat as submitted to the Commission pursuant to Section 1199.11 above conforms to the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and this Zoning Ordinance, and is consistent with the preliminary plan with such changes as required by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and if satisfactory provision is made regarding site improvements, and costs pursuant to Section 1199.08, the Commission shall take action on the final plat within thirty (30) days from the date that the final plat is submitted, or within such further time as the Owner/Developer may agree to. The approval of the final plat shall be indicated in writing on the original tracing by the signature of the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Reasons for disapproval of a final plat shall be stated in the records of the Commission, including citations or references to the requirements or provisions of the applicable Ordinance(s) that are inconsistent with the final plat.
   (b)   If the Commission fails to act upon the final plat within the time allotted, the plat shall be considered as approved, and the certificate of the Planning and Zoning Commission as to the date of the submission of the plat for approval, and the failure to take action thereon within such time, shall be issued on demand and shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or other evidence of approval.
(Ord. 12-68-2019. Passed 12-17-19; Ord. 08-48-2022. Passed 8-2-22.)