1145.07 SIGNS.
   (a)   The following regulations apply to all Signs within the City of Circleville:
      (1)   Unless otherwise exempted, a Zoning Permit shall be obtained prior to erecting any sign in any district. The following types of signs are exempt from obtaining a Zoning Permit:
         A.   Signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in area that are customarily associated with a residential use and are not of a commercial nature, including the address and/or the name of the occupants.
         B.   Signs erected by a governmental entity for a recognized public purpose and duly authorized by any law, statute or ordinance. Such signs include legal notices and traffic control devices, provided such signs carry no supplementary advertising.
         C.   Signs that are on the inside of a structure or building that are designated or located so as to be typically visible from outside the window.
         D.   Temporary signs clearly in the nature of decorations customarily associated with a national, local or religious holiday. Such signs shall be of any illumination or animation provided that a safety and/or visibility hazard is not clearly created.
         E.   Small temporary signs not exceeding seven (7) square feet in area, three (3) feet in height, or a display period of thirty (30) days.
      (2)   All signage and graphics shall be carefully coordinated with the building and architecture.
      (3)   Signs shall not be painted directly on the surface of a Fence.
      (4)   No roof Signs or roof mounted Signs shall be permitted. No part of any Sign shall extend higher than the eave of any building, except when placed on the parapet of a building
      (5)   The following permanent Signs shall be prohibited: portable displays or mobile Signs (except for sandwich board signs as permitted and regulated by Section 1141.03(b)(9)E. in the HOD), gas or air filled devices, revolving or rotating Signs, exposed neon Signs, exposed LED Signs, rotating Signs, Signs with flashing messages or bare bulbs, Signs on backlit awnings, flashing Signs, video Signs, Signs with moving text or pictures, bench Signs, and Wallscapes.
      (6)   Each building and unit, if applicable, shall have an address number that is clearly visible from the public right-of-way. Such Signs shall not require a permit.
      (7)   Off-Premises Signs shall be prohibited.
      (8)   Original Art Mural and Vintage Art Murals as defined in Chapter 1105 shall only be permitted in accordance with Section 1145.07(p) of these regulations.
Types of Signs:
*These graphics are for illustrative purposes only. The definitions for each type of signs Article 1105 Time, place and manner regulations in Section 1145.07 also apply to each type of sign.
   (b)   Ground Mounted Signs:  
Table 9 - Ground Mounted Signs
AG, LDR, MDR, HSU, TUR, MHR Permitted Uses
AG, LDR, MDR, HSU, TUR, MHR Conditional Uses
Maximum Number Permitted Per Public Road Frontage
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Square Footage Per Sign
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Height (ft)
Per Approved Development Plan
Minimum Distance from ROW (ft)
Per Approved Development Plan
      (1)   The maximum square footage in the above table is per sign face. Each sign face shall count towards the maximum size of the sign and total maximum square footage of all signs. There shall be a maximum of two (2) Sign faces per Sign.
      (2)   All Ground Mounted Signs shall have a solid base consistent with the primary building material and have a minimum of fifty (50) square feet of landscaping around all sides of the Ground Mounted Sign. Sign shall be affixed directly to a base having a width at least equal to that of the sign.
      (3)   Monument Signs shall not be permitted along rear access roads.
Measurement of Ground Mounted Sign Area and Height:
   (c)   Wall Signs.
Table 10 - Wall Signs
AG, LDR, MDR, HSU, TUR, MHR Permitted Uses
AG, LDR, MDR, MHR Conditional Uses
HSU, TUR Conditional Uses
Maximum Number Permitted Per Public Road Frontage
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Square Footage Per Sign
2 sq ft
12 sq ft
1.5 sq ft per 1 lineal foot of building width, not to exceed 75 sq ft
1.5 sq ft per 1 lineal foot of building width, not to exceed 75 sq ft
1.5 sq ft per 2 lineal foot of building width, not to exceed 125 sq ft
1.5 sq ft per 2 lineal foot of building width, not to exceed 125 sq ft
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Height (ft)
Per Approved Development Plan
Measurement of Wall Sign Area and Height:
   (d)   Projecting Signs. When permitted, such Signs shall be scaled with the building design and shall blend with the architectural design of the building to which it is attached. The area of the sign shall be considered as one (1) of the two (2) sign faces. There shall be a maximum of two (2) Sign faces per Sign. Projecting signs are permitted only in the NB, DB and PMD District as follows:
Table 11
Projecting Signs
Maximum Number Permitted Per Business
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Square footage
Per Approved Development Plan
Minimum Height (Feet)
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Height (Feet)
Per Approved Development Plan
Measurement of Projecting Sign Area and Height
   (e)   Canopy Sign. Canopy signs are permitted in the NB, DB, GB, PMD and CS District as follows:
Table 12
Maximum Number Permitted Per Building
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Square Footage
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Height (Feet)
Per Approved Development Plan
   (f)   Window Signs. Window signs are permitted in the following Districts as follows:
 Window Signs
AG, LDG, MDR, HSU, TUR, MHR Permitted Uses
AG, LDR, MDR, HSU, TUR, MHR Conditional Uses
Number of Sign Permitted
1 per lot
1 per lot
1 per business
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Square Footage
33% of window area
Per Approved Development Plan
Maximum Height (Feet)
Per Approved Development Plan
   (g)    Pylon Signs. Any parcel that is zoned GB shall be permitted to have one Pylon Sign that does not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height and two-hundred square feet. If a property in the GB district abuts two public rights-of-way, the Pylon Sign shall be placed along the right-of-way with the greater traffic count. There shall be no more than two sign faces, which shall be placed back-to-back to one another. Each sign face shall count toward the maximum size of the sign and the total maximum square footage of all signs. Pylon Signs are prohibited in all other locations within the city.
   (h)   Drive Thru Boards. Signs accessory and adjacent to drive-thru food and beverage establishments, car washes, and other similar uses are subject to the following standards:
      (1)   One large drive-thru board shall be permitted per drive thru lane. Said sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet, must be located a minimum of one (1) foot from and a maximum of five (5) feet from the edge of pavement of the drive through lane to which it serves and shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
      (2)   One medium drive thru board shall be permitted per drive thru lane. Said sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area, must be located a minimum of one (1) foot and a maximum of five (5) feet from the edge of pavement of the drive through lane to which is serves and shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
      (3)   One small drive-thru sign board shall be permitted per drive through lane shall be permitted. Said sign shall not exceed two and half (2.5) square feet area, must be located on the drive thru speaker and shall not exceed five (5) feet in height.
      (4)   Drive thru board signs shall be permitted to have changeable copy electronic display messages may be permitted provided the graphics and/or words on the sign change no more than once per car service. Video, flashing images or effects, or moving content shall be prohibited.
   (i)   Way Finding Signs. There may be two (2) way finding signs per access driveway connecting to a public or private street. Way finding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of three (3) feet, a maximum area of six (6) square feet per side and shall be located outside of the right-of-way and on the property of the user(s) of which they are identifying the entry or exit.
   (j)   Total Maximum Square Footage of All Signs.
Total Maximum Square Footage of All Signs
150 for internal lots
250 for corner lots
350 for internal lots
500 for corner lots
Per Approved Development Plan
   (k)   Billboards. Billboards shall be prohibited in all districts except the GB and IE Districts. In the GB and IE Districts, Billboards shall be considered conditional uses and shall not exceed 300 square feet in area and thirty-five (35) feet in height; shall be setback a minimum of 200 feet from the right-of-way, and a minimum 1,500 feet from any residential zoning district or existing residential use. There shall also be a minimum of 1,000 feet between off-premises signs.
   (l)   Entry Feature Signs. Each development (residential or non-residential) that consists of more than one (1) lot or contains a multi-tenant building is permitted to have one Entry Feature Sign that does not exceed twenty (20) square feet (per side), ten (10) feet in height and setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from the right-of-way.
   (m)   Sign Lighting. 
      (1)   Sign lighting shall be consistent, understated, and properly disguised. Unless noted otherwise within the HOD, one of the following methods of lighting may be employed:
         A.   A white, steady, stationary light that does not glare onto surrounding areas, is directed solely at the Sign, and is otherwise prevented from beaming directly onto adjacent properties or rights-of-way.
         B.   A white interior light with primary and secondary images lit or silhouetted on an opaque background. The background must be opaque. No additional background lighting or illuminated borders or outlines shall be permitted.
            i.   The color temperature of the sign lighting shall not exceed 4,000K.
            ii.   The level of illumination emitted or reflected from a Sign shall not be of an intensity sufficient to constitute a demonstrable hazard to vehicular traffic on any Right - of - Way or parking lot from which the Sign can be viewed.
            iii.   Light fixtures shall be screened from view by site grading or landscaping.
   (n)   Temporary Signs. The following Temporary Sign regulations apply to all uses within all subareas:
      (1)   Temporary Signs shall be prohibited within the right-of-way.
      (2)   In LDR, MDR, HSU, TUR, MUR and MHR zoning districts, three (3) Small Temporary Signs shall be permitted per parcel per street frontage without a permit. In all other zoning districts, up to six (6) Small Temporary Signs shall be permitted per parcel per street frontage without a permit. Each Small Temporary Sign shall be seven (7) square feet in area or less and less than three (3) feet in height. Additionally, on all properties within the NB, GB and IE Districts, each parcel shall be permitted to have one (1) feathered flag that does not exceed twelve (12) feet in height.
      (3)   Two (2) Large Temporary Signs shall be permitted per parcel provided a Sign permit is issued in accordance with the following regulations. Large Temporary Signs shall not:
         A.   Exceed eight (8) feet in height
         B.   Exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area (per Sign face)
         C.   On parcels of five (5) acres or less, such signs shall be displayed for no more than thirty (30) consecutive days and no more than three (3) times per calendar year. A new permit must be obtained for each thirty (30) day or less period. After said permits have been exhausted, the Zoning Inspector may grant one (1) extension for up to ninety (90) days per Sign. No other extensions may be administratively approved and must be approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. On parcels that are greater than five (5) acres, such signs may be displayed for up to three-hundred and sixty-five (365) days. Upon the expiration of this permit, the Zoning Inspector may grant one (1) extension up to an additional one-hundred eighty (180) days. No other extensions may be administratively approved and must be approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (4)   Small and Large Temporary Signs shall not count toward the total maximum square footage of signs permitted on a lot.
      (5)   The sign permit number for Large Temporary Signs must be printed on the sign in a visible location.
   (o)   Changeable Copy and Electronic Message Displays. These Changeable Copy and Electronic Message Display standards are applicable to all signs, except drive thru boards since the purpose of those boards are to service those utilizing the drive thru lane where cars are typically stopped to view said sign. All other changeable copy and electronic messaging displays shall:
      (1)   Be limited to fifty percent (50%) of the overall sign area.
      (2)   Be static, shall not move, scroll, or flash, and shall not exceed a nighttime (one hour after sunset) maximum luminance (cd/m2) of 40.
      (3)   Be turned off at 11:30 p.m. or one hour after the close of business, whichever occurs first and shall remain off until 6:30 a.m. the following morning.
   (p)   Murals.
      (1)   Original Art Mural Requirements. Original Art Murals that meet all of the following requirements shall be issued a Mural Permit by the Zoning Inspector:
         A.   Original Art Murals are permitted only in the NB, GB, DB, CS, IE and PMD districts.
         B.   The mural shall remain in place without alteration, for a period of five (5) years. The applicant shall certify in the permit application that the applicant agrees to maintain the mural in accordance with this regulation.
         C.   The applicant, if different from the property owner, must obtain an affidavit from the building's owner giving permission for the applicant to adhere the mural to the building.
         D.   There shall be no more than one Original Art Mural per parcel or per building, whichever is more restrictive.
         E.   Murals shall only be permitted on sides and rear elevations and shall be prohibited on front elevations of buildings.
         F.   No part of the mural shall exceed the height of the structure to which it is tiled or painted.
         G.   The materials or paint utilized to create the mural shall be weatherproofed or resistant to wear.
         H.   The mural shall be properly maintained through repair and paint, or any necessary treatment so as to prevent decay. Defective or insufficient weather protection for exterior treatments and facades, including fading paint or materials or graffiti shall be promptly repaired or shall otherwise be subject to the violation provisions in Section 1115.01 of this Ordinance.
         I.   Murals on properties within the PMD must be part of the originally approved development plan or an amendment to said plan must be approved by the Zoning Commission prior to the Zoning Inspector issuing a Mural Permit.
         J.   Murals on properties within the Historic Overlay District must obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic Review Board prior to the Zoning Inspector issuing a Mural Permit.
         K.   Murals that would result in a property becoming out of compliance with any other City Ordinance shall be prohibited.
      (2)   Vintage Art Mural Requirements. All murals created prior to the date of adoption of this Ordinance shall be considered existing non-conforming and may be maintained in accordance with Chapter 1117 of this Ordinance.
         (Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23; Ord. 02-15-2024. Passed 2-20-24.)