(a) The following design standards shall apply to all structures within the HOD. The Historic Review Board may engage professional expertise to assist with enforcing these standards:
(1) Rehabilitation of Existing Structures.
A. The original architectural features and materials must be preserved as much as practical. When determined appropriate by the Historic Review Board, such features and material shall be retained in place and/or repaired.
B. When it is not practical, as determined by the Historic Review Board, to retain the original materials or features due to the condition, unavailability, safety or energy efficiency of materials, then quality contemporary substitute materials, may be approved and permitted by the Historic Review Board. In such cases, the materials shall replicate those being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and other visual qualities, as determined by the Historic Review board. Contemporary materials must be the same quality and character of the historical materials.
C. Colors shall be selected based on documented research of a building's original paint.
D. If original colors cannot be identified or are unacceptable to the applicant, the Historic Review Board may approve alternate colors that reflect the time period of the building construction.
E. Retrofitting Access for People with Disabilities (ADA)
i. Designs shall be kept simple and unobtrusive within the requirements of compliance with ADA standards.
ii. Ramps or lifts must be located at the side or rear of entrances to minimize the impact on the main façade. The Historic Review Board may approve exceptions to this requirement when it is determined impractical.
iii. Materials must be the same or as similar to those used on the building. Exposed treated wood this is unpainted is prohibited.
(2) New Construction.
A. New construction shall be designed in a manner to create continuity and compatibility with and replicate original block, street, and site patterns as well as original underling historical design principals of the area in terms of form, mass, height, scale and lot coverage based upon documented research of the original design of the area.
B. Building width shall be similar to other buildings in the district.
C. If a building is wider than other structures in the district, the façade shall be divided into subordinate sizes that are similar to the width of other structures in the district.
D. Building materials and colors must replicate original materials and colors originally used on surrounding buildings.
E. The primary entrance to the building must front and face on the street.
F. Blank facades shall be prohibited. A monotony of materials and large surfaces of glass, as determined by the Historic Review Board, shall be avoided.
G. Concrete block foundation or exposed poured concrete shall be prohibited, unless the Historic Review Board determines these materials were historically utilized on said building. Otherwise, foundations must be clad with brick or stone.
(b) General Site Design (Rehabilitation and New Construction). The following general site design standards shall apply to properties subject to the HOD, and unless otherwise noted, shall supersede any general development standard in Chapter 1145.
(1) Landscaping.
A. Window plantings - Window plantings, when determined appropriate by the Historic Review Board, shall be provided to add accent to building facades and to avoid blank walls.
(2) Fences - picket, wrought iron and spindle fences as well as decorative walls constructed of materials that complement the primary structure shall be permitted in front of a building provided they are no taller than three (3) feet in height. Privacy fences, not to exceed five (5) feet in height, shall be permitted when enclosing a patio that is located to the rear of a structure. Chain link, barbed wire, or otherwise electrically charged are prohibited.
(3) Access and Parking.
A. Parking shall be visually complimentary to the overall building and site design. It shall be secondary to the visual appearance of the building and not dominate its design, as determined by the Historic Review Board.
B. The total number of required parking spaces shall comply with the underlying zoning district requirements listed in Section Table 6 in Section 1145.04(a)(7).
C. Parking lots shall be a hard, paved surface.
D. Parking lots are prohibited in front of a building and curb cuts shall be limited to those areas approved by the Historic Review Board.
E. Pedestrian access must be maintained along the front building façade and adjacent right-of-way.
F. If provided, bicycle access and storage shall be incorporated into site design.
Example of public gathering space integrated
into overall design of building (Scioto Station)
(4) Decks (including rooftop decks), Patios, Private Balconies and Public Gathering Places. Decks (including rooftop decks), patios, private balconies and public gathering places are permitted within the Historical Overlay District. The Historic Review Board shall determine if such uses should be held back from edge of the façade, or where appropriate, the distance such uses may project forward of the front façade in order to appropriately integrate these spaces into the overall visual building and site design.
(5) Lighting. Decorative lighting shall be incorporated into the overall building design as deemed appropriate by the Historic Review Board. Cut off fixtures are not required for decorative lighting attached to the front façade of a building or a decorative wall adjacent to the right-of-way. Parking lot lights shall have cut off fixtures and shall be a maximum of twenty feet in height, measured from existing grade to the top of the fixture. The maximum illumination at the side and rear lot line shall not exceed 0.3 footcandles. The color temperature of all site lighting shall not exceed 4,000K.
Some examples of decorative lighting include the following, however, all decorative lighting shall
match the period and style of the building as determined by the Historic Review Board.
(6) Mechanical Equipment and Waste Screening. All four sides of mechanical equipment and waste disposal areas shall be screened from view by utilizing a fence, wall, or landscaping. Such screening shall be one foot taller than the height of the mechanical equipment or trash receptacles to be screened. A coordinating gate that compliments the screening material may be utilized on one side of any waste disposal areas to provide access to the trash receptacles.
(7) Screening Between Uses. Due to the mixture of land uses in this district, screening between uses is typically not required, except when property within the HOD directly abuts zoning district that permits only one- or two-unit dwellings. In such cases, a four (4) foot height decorative fence or hedge row or combination thereof shall be installed along the property lot abutting the one- or two-unit district.
(8) Canopy and Awnings.
A. Fabric awnings must have a matte finish rather than a glossy surface, unless otherwise approved by the Historic Review Board.
B. Awning colors shall complement the building and be compatible with historically appropriate colors used on the building but not overly ornate patterns and too many colors. The colors of awnings shall be approved by the Historic Review Board.
(9) Signs.
A. Projecting, wall and window signs are permitted in this overlay district. The number and size shall be controlled by the underlying district. The requirements of Section 1145.07 shall be met in addition to these requirements.
B. Signs must have minimal visual impact on the site and surrounding area and shall be subordinate and complementary to the primary building.
C. Signs shall be pedestrian scaled by relating more to the sidewalk than the street and shall be intended more for those walking on the sidewalk than those driving on the street.
D. Digital signs shall be prohibited as they do not reflect the historical character of the area.
E. In addition, the permitted projecting, wall and window signs, uses within this overlay district may utilize Sandwich Board Signs, provided they comply with the following standards:
i. They shall not exceed eight (8) square feet square feet and shall be placed on the sidewalk in a manner that does not impede pedestrian movements.
ii. They shall be removed each night as well as during inclement weather.
iii. They shall be secured with stable base and/or chain to prevent unintentional movement or the collapsing of the sign.
iv. In addition to the above requirements, any new Sandwich Board Signs after the effective date of this code shall be made with a wood frame with white board and chalk board elements Any new plastic signs and changeable letters are prohibited after the effective date of this code.
Example of Sandwich Board Signs:
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)