Before a permit for the drilling, putting down and/or operation of an oil or gas well is issued, a written application therefor, signed by the applicant or some duly authorized person in the applicant's behalf, shall be filed with the City Clerk. Such application shall accurately describe the block and the exact lot and location thereof where the proposed well is to be drilled and there shall be attached thereto either certified or photostatic copies of all deeds, leases or contracts with the owner of the property in such block which is owned or controlled by the applicant. In addition, a statement showing the number of lots or parcels in such block which the applicant holds under deed, lease or contract from the owner thereof shall be attached thereto. Also, there shall be attached to such application a map or plat showing all correct dimensions and the exact location of such proposed well, together with the locations of all tanks, pits, slush ponds, pipe lines, embankments, fences and other details of the proposed use of such property necessary or incident to the drilling, operation and maintenance of such well, together with the correct measurements of such locations from the outside boundaries of such block. Such application, with such attachment, shall be verified before an official who is authorized to administer oaths in the State and shall thereupon be referred by the Clerk to Council for action.
(Ord. 286. Passed 6-6-60.)