Traffic Control Devices
442.01   Generally; signs.
442.02   Obedience to no-turn signs and turning markers.
442.03   "U" turns on Market Street.
442.99   Penalty.
   Signs giving notice of traffic regulations .- see Ill. R.S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sec. 11-208 (b)
   Pedestrian control signals - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sec. 11-307
   Obedience to traffic control devices and traffic regulations - see Ill. R. S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sec. 11-1001
   One-way alleys - see TRAF. 440.06 
   Through streets - see TRAF. 440.07 
   Four-way stop streets - see TRAF. 440.08