The purpose of the (OS) Open Space/Resource Conservation designation is to preserve lands as open space and to promote resource conservation. Lands so designated shall be limited to exclusive use as trail and path systems and other strictly prescribed recreational uses and for the preservation of historical sites, historic agricultural uses and natural plant and animal habitats.
The (OS) Open Space/Resource Conservation Designation may be applied where the Town wishes to strictly limit the uses of the land for the preservation of open space and resource conservation.
Permitted uses in the OS zone shall be limited strictly to open space uses such as public parks and play areas, trails and paths for non-motorized use, and other recreational or commercial uses which do not adversely impact the preservation of open space and resource conservation, such as:
1. Agriculture, cultivation and ranching.
2. Historical sites.
3. Public parks and play areas.
4. Horse trails, bike paths, walking trails and other similar non-motorized recreational trails or paths.
No structures, either permanent or temporary, shall be permitted except for accessory buildings that relate directly to the designated open space/resource conservation use (such as restrooms, ramadas, historical buildings). Such accessory buildings are permitted only subject to plan review by Commission and approval by Council.
Because no list of uses can be complete, the interpretation of whether a use not specified is consistent with the intent of this zoning district and may be allowed as a conditional use or, where discretion is allowed, a permitted use shall be rendered by the Zoning Administrator with appeal to the Board of Adjustment.
(Ord. 06-678, passed 11-9-2006; Ord. 10-729, passed 7-22-2010)
This district is intended to promote and preserve low-density single-family residential and agricultural development. Regulations and property development standards are designed to protect the single-family residential and agricultural character of the district and to prohibit all incompatible activities.
1. One (1) single-family dwelling.
2. One (1) guesthouse, with a livable square footage that does not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet or seventy-five (75) percent of the total square footage under roof of the primary residence, whichever is greater, in addition to the principal residence.
3. Farming and agriculture including the keeping of cattle, horses, swine (limited to one (1) per acre), sheep, goats, fowl, but not feed lots, slaughterhouses, fertilizer yards or plants for the reduction of animal matter.
4. Customary accessory structures such as barns, corrals, private arenas, training tracks, coops, non-commercial greenhouses up to six hundred (600) square feet, storage sheds, and metal storage containers (See UDO Section 4.32) for the care and keeping of non-household animals, fowl, produce, farm machinery and equipment. Accessory structures shall not be permitted prior to the issuance of a building permit for the primary residence.
5. Home occupations.
6. Stands for the sale of farm produce when primarily grown on site.
7. Churches or similar places of worship.
8. Schools and public/governmental facilities.
9. Commercial greenhouses with a minimum of ten (10) contiguous acres. See Subsection 4.30 Commercial Greenhouse Development Standards.
C. CONDITIONAL USES (Conditional Use Permit Required)
1. Privately owned and operated parks and recreation facilities.
2. Colleges and universities.
3. Golf, rod and gun, tennis and country clubs.
4. Rodeos, livestock auctions, fairgrounds, riding academies.
5. Cemeteries.
6. Public utility buildings, structures, or appurtenances thereto for public service use. Extension of public lines in public or private right-of-way is exempt from this requirement.
7. Indoor and outdoor kennels.
8. Outdoor sales and storage of firewood for sale provided a residence has been established.
9. Feed Stores.
10. Commercial stables.
11. Bed and Breakfast operations with the limitation that no guest may stay for more than seven (7) days during any consecutive thirty (30) day period.
12. Stands for the sale of farm produce when not primarily grown on site.
13. Workers quarters and worker housing.
14. Residential facilities for the developmentally disabled as described in A.R.S. §§ 36-581 and 36-582, which are licensed by the Department of Economic Security.
15. Recovery residences.
16. Assisted living homes.
Because no list of uses can be complete, the interpretation of whether a use not specified is consistent with the intent of this zoning district and may be allowed as a conditional use or, where discretion is allowed, a permitted use shall be rendered by the Zoning Administrator with appeal to the Board of Adjustment.
1. Minimum Lot Area: 5 acres
2. Minimum Lot Frontage: 200 feet
3. Minimum Front Yard Set Back: See Section 4.28
4. Minimum Interior Side Yard set Back: 20 feet
6. Minimum Rear Yard Set Back: 20 feet
7. Maximum Building Height: 35 feet
8. Accessory Building shall be setback 10 feet from side and rear property lines and must conform to the front yard and street side yard setback.
9. Maximum Lot Coverage: 50%
(Ord. 06-678, passed 11-9-2006; Ord. 08-707, passed 10-23-2008; Ord. 10-729, passed 7-22-2010; Ord. 11-738, passed 1-11-2011; Ord. 13-779, passed 12-10-2013; Ord. 14-785, passed 7-8-2014; Ord. 16-811, passed 1-26-2016; Ord. 2020-881, passed 6-23-2020; Ord. 2024-943, passed 9-10-2024)