Pre-application Conference: The pre-application conference precedes preparation of platting and improvement plans by the applicant. During this conference, applicants informally provide Town staff with an overview of the proposed land division, after which the Town staff advises the applicants of specific public objectives related to the subject tract, and provides the applicant with detailed information regarding platting procedures and requirements.
A.   At the pre-application meeting, the applicant must provide a general outline of the proposed development including:
1.   Sketch plan(s) and ideas regarding land use, street and lot arrangement, and tentative lot sizes.
2.   Tentative proposals regarding water supply, sewage disposal, surface drainage and street improvements.
B.   Town staff will discuss the proposal with the applicant and provide input and suggestions regarding procedural steps, including the public hearing timeline, public policy objectives, design and improvement standards, and general platting requirements. Then, depending upon the scope of the proposed development, the Town staff will:
1.   Check the existing General Plan land use designation for the proposed subdivision and determine if a General Plan amendment will be required and if such amendment will be obtained prior to additional processing of the application.
2.   Check the existing zoning of the proposed subdivision and recommend changes in zoning if necessary or desirable.
3.   Provide the applicant with information regarding existing and proposed schools, parks, and other public places, and inform the applicant of the Town’s requirements for infrastructure improvements required for the proposed subdivision.
4.   Inspect the site or otherwise determine its relationship to major streets, utility systems, and adjacent land uses, and identify any unusual problems, including but not limited to those related to topography, utilities, and drainage.
5.   Determine whether a Development Master Plan (DMP) will be required prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat, and the extent to which the property owner will be required to prepare it.
C.   Subdivision Referral and Approval Process: Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the pre- application conference, the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee will send a written notice to the subdivider with staff’s recommendations related to preparation and submittal of a preliminary plat by developer to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council, and with a determination as to whether a Development Master Plan will be required pursuant to 5.2.2(D) of these Subdivision Regulations. If the proposed subdivision does not require a Development Master Plan, the subdivider may proceed with the preparation of a preliminary plat to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council. As a prerequisite of preliminary plat review by the Development Services Director and the Public Works Director, the subdivider shall submit copies of letters written to the following agencies informing them of the intent to subdivide and to learn the general requirement for public utilities and public dedications applicable to the subdivision needs:
1.   Appropriate public utilities
2.   Cable television and communication companies
3.   Chino Valley Unified School District
4.   Yavapai County Health Department
5.   ADOT
6.   U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service
7.   Yavapai Flood Control District
D.   Development Master Plan: A DMP shall be required prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat if any of the following apply: (i) the tract is larger than 100 acres; (ii) the tract is to be developed in multiple phases or if the tract is only a portion of a larger landholding of the subdivider; or (iii) the tract is part of a larger land area the development of which is complicated by unusual topographic, utility, land use, land ownership, or other conditions. As part of the notification described in 5.2.2(C) above, the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee shall notify the subdivider of the requirement to prepare a DMP. To ensure cohesive development, the subdivider may include areas within its DMP that are anticipated for future acquisition. If subdivider is requesting a zone change as part of the development, the conceptual land use plan required for such zone change application may, at the reasonable discretion of the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee, serve as the DMP for the subdivision.
1.   Preparation: Development Master Plans must be prepared to a scale and accuracy commensurate with their purposes, and must include:
a.   General street pattern with particular attention to collector streets and future circulation throughout the development;
b.   General location and size of existing and proposed school sites, parks, and other public areas;
c.   Location of shopping centers, multiple-family residential or other non-residential land uses;
d.   Methods proposed for sewage disposal, water supply and storm drainage;
e.   Approximate densities and intensities of various land uses.
2.   Phasing Plan: If development is to take place in several stages, the DMP must be submitted as a supporting document for each stage. The DMP must be kept up to date by the subdivider as modifications take place.
3.   Approval: After Town staff has determined the required elements in 5.2.2(D)(1) are included in the proposed DMP, the DMP shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council for review and approval. Upon acceptance of the general design approach by the Commission and the Council, the subdivider may submit a preliminary plat for review.
(Ord. 2020-885, passed 9-8-2020)
To ensure that a subdivision complies with the most-current edition of these Subdivision Regulations, preliminary plats must be submitted to the Town for review no later than 120 calendar days after (i) the date of the Zoning Administrator’s comment letter described in paragraph 5.2.2(C) in the case where a DMP is not required, and (ii) the date of Council approval of the DMP as described in paragraph 5.2.2(D)(3), an applicant shall apply for a preliminary plat or submit a Development Master Plan (DMP); provided, however, that this time period may be extended by the Zoning Administrator to a time mutually agreed upon with the subdivider if the result of such extension will not cause the comment letter described in paragraph 5.2.2(C) to be inconsistent with a later change to the Subdivision Regulations.
A.   Application Procedures and Requirements in General: The preliminary plat stage of land subdivision involves detailed subdivision planning, submittal, review, and approval of the preliminary plat. The preliminary plat must substantially conform to the conceptual land use plan provided to the Town during the pre-application meeting described in Section 5.2.2 and, if applicable, to the approved DMP. A preliminary plat may only be submitted for review subsequent to the issuance of the Zoning Administrator’s comment letter described in 5.2.2(C) and must be accompanied by payment of the prescribed fee. The subdivider must provide all essential information outlined below to enable the Zoning Administrator to determine the character and general acceptability of the proposed development.
B.   Preliminary plat Submission: In addition to a completed preliminary plat application form, a complete submittal shall include a digital copy of the preliminary plat, or if the applicant is unable to produce a digital copy, twelve (12) blueline (or blackline) copies of the preliminary plat, which must be scaled to fit on one twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches sheet (where practical, although the scale may not exceed one hundred (100) feet to the inch), in addition to two eleven (11) inches by seventeen (17) inches reduced copies; whether digital or in blueline (or blackline), the preliminary plat must show:
1.   Identification and Descriptive Data
a.   Proposed subdivision name, location by Township, range, and section, and reference by dimension and bearing to a section or quarter section corner.
b.   North arrow, scale, and date of preparation.
c.   Name, address and phone number of the owner, and the engineer, surveyor, landscape architect, or land planner who prepared the preliminary plat.
d.   Vicinity map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to main traffic arterials and any other landmarks that would help to locate the project.
e.   Property owners name, fee number or assessor’s parcel numbers for all abutting properties.
f.   Legal description of the property.
2.   Existing Conditions Data
a.   Topography by one (1), two (2) or five (5) foot contour intervals adequate to reflect the character and drainage of the land as determined by the Public Works Director, and related to U.S. Coastal and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) datum, or other datum approved by the Public Works Director.
b.   Surveyed location of all existing improvements on public rights-of-way and private property including land use, structures and fences, walls, shacks, barns, utility lines, wells, streams, irrigation canals and structures, private and public culverts, ditches, washes, lakes, water features of all types, direction of flow, flow pattern, location and extent of areas subject to inundation, and whether such inundation is frequent, periodic, or occasional and data regarding frequency.
c.   Location, width, and names of all platted streets, drainage and utility easements, public areas, and municipal boundaries within, adjacent to, or extending from the property.
d.   Location of historic and archaeological sites, if any.
e.   Acreage and zoning of the property and abutting properties.
f.   Complete boundary dimensions of the property and engineer's calculations and estimated values for each tributary storm runoff channel for ten (10), fifty (50), and one hundred (100)-year frequency storms (the values should be indicated along the boundary of the survey map for all points of drainage entering and exiting the property).
g.   Evidence of adequate access from an existing public right-of-way.
3.   Proposed Conditions Data
a.   Proposed lot configuration, including approximate size and dimensions of each lot, and identification of each lot by number, and total number of lots; building setback lines; street layout, including location, width, curve radii, and proposed names.
b.   Lot and tract table, containing the overall size of each lot, and Identification of average and minimum lot size(s).
c.   Designation of all land(s) to be dedicated and reserved for public use with use and acreage for each indicated.
d.   Location of all proposed private and controlled access streets and identification of all access devices on local streets within the subdivision; their means of accomplishing access control (e.g. signage, traffic barriers, gates, etc.) and monitoring devices and facilities; and their hours of operation and standards and procedures for admittance.
e.   Location and description of proposed and existing utilities within the subdivision; location of all above-ground utilities cabinets and facilities; location of water and sewer mains with respect to property lines, easements and/or street centerlines, with line sizes and valve/manhole locations shown.
f.   Location of the permanent subdivision identification sign(s).
g.   Location of all proposed fire hydrants within the subdivision.
h.   Location of vehicular non-access easements.
i.   Typical maximum construction envelope containing minimum building setbacks and maximum lot coverage permitted; non-typical buildings setbacks shall be specifically noted.
j.   Location of water wells, streams, ditches, washes, lakes, or other water features; direction of flow; 100-year flood plain; location and extent of areas subject to inundation, whether such inundation is frequent, periodic or occasional, within the subdivision boundaries and 200 feet beyond such boundaries. In addition, the proposed location(s) of storm-water detention facilities shall be indicated.
k.   A statement whether the proposed sewage disposal system will be by individual lot septic tanks or Town sewer.
l.   A statement as to the types of potable water facilities proposed shall be included with the preliminary plat application. Such statement shall show evidence of adequate volume and quality of proposed water supply and facilities to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director.
m.   Preliminary calculations and description of proposed stormwater disposal outlets in a form acceptable to the Public Works Director.
4.   Additional Information and Requirements
a.   An electronic copy of the preliminary plat on disk or other digital format compatible with the Town computer database. Typically, the form of these files will be in DXF, DWG or other similar industry-standard digital file (latest edition of AutoCAD or similar).
b.   Payment of prescribed filing fee.
c.   A preliminary draft or outline of conditions, covenants and restrictions that demonstrate the proposed theme and character of the proposed subdivision.
d.   Such other information as, in the reasonable opinion of the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee, will be required to complete a thorough analysis of the preliminary plat in terms of its compliance with all Town Codes, ordinances, rules and regulations.
e.   Water Certificates for assured water supply shall be required in accordance with A.R.S. § 45-576, as amended and as may be supplemented by rules promulgated by the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
C.   Preliminary plat Review and Approval
1.   Upon acceptance of an application for approval of a preliminary plat, the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee will have five (5) working days to advise the applicant if the submittal is complete. Copies of complete applications will be forwarded to the Town departments and utility and public safety agencies that serve the area for their review and comment.
2.   The reviewing agencies and departments shall transmit their comments and recommendations to the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee. The Zoning Administrator or his/her designee will then summarize the comments and recommendations, prepare a staff report, and present it to the Commission.
3.   The Commission shall consider the proposed preliminary plat at a properly posted and advertised public meeting. The Commission shall provide a recommendation to the Council to approve the preliminary plat as submitted, to approve the preliminary plat with conditions, or to deny the preliminary plat.
4.   After the Planning and Zoning Commission has forwarded its recommendation to the Council, the Council shall consider the proposed preliminary plat at a properly posted and advertised public meeting. The Council may approve the preliminary plat as submitted, approve the preliminary plat with conditions as recommended by the Commission, approve the preliminary plat with additional or modified conditions, or deny the preliminary plat.
5.   Preliminary plat approval constitutes authorization for the subdivider to proceed with the preparation and submittal of engineering plans and specifications for public infrastructure improvements and the final plat. Preliminary plat approval does not ensure final plat approval.
6.   Each approved preliminary plat shall expire if a final plat for that property has not been submitted within three (3) years of the preliminary plat approval.