This district is intended to fulfill the need for mobile home parks. Regulations and property development standards are designed to allow maximum flexibility and variety in residential development while prohibiting all incompatible activities.
1.   Mobile home parks. Maximum density, six (6) sites per acre.
2.   Customary accessory buildings provided such uses are incidental to the principal use. Accessory structures shall not be permitted prior to the issuance of a building permit for the primary residence.
3.   Churches or similar places of worship.
C.   CONDITIONAL USES (Conditional Use Permit Required)
1.   Privately owned and operated parks and recreation areas and centers.
2.   Group homes.
3.   Nursing homes and convalescent homes.
4.   Temporary home and land sale offices and model homes, provided they are located within the same subdivision as that land and homes which are offered for sale.
5.   Public utility buildings, structures, or appurtenances thereto for public or private right-of-way is exempt from this requirement.
6.   Schools.
7.   Residential facilities for the developmentally disabled as described in A.R.S. §§ 36-581 and 36-582, which are licensed by the Department of Economic Security.
Because no list of uses can be complete, the interpretation of whether a use not specified is consistent with the intent of this zoning district and may be allowed as a conditional use or, where discretion is allowed, a permitted use shall be rendered by the Zoning Administrator with appeal to the Board of Adjustment.
1.   Minimum Mobile Home Park Size:             N/A
2.   Minimum Gross Site Area per Mobile Home:    7260 sq. ft.
3.   Minimum Park Frontage:                   100 feet
4.   Minimum Setback of any Building or Mobile/Manufactured Home from any public street property line:             See Section 4.28
Between a side and an opposing end:             25 feet
5.   Minimum Setback of any Building or Mobile
Home from Mobile Home Park Boundary:          15 feet
6.   Placement of Mobile Home or Building on
Individual Building Site:
a.   Minimum Setback from Private Access Street:    10 feet
b.   Minimum Distance Between Mobile Homes:      25 feet
7.   Minimum Mobile Home Size:                12 feet in Width
                              40 ft. in Length
8.   Maximum Building Height:                   25 feet
9.   Accessory Building shall be setback 3 feet from side and rear property lines and must conform to the front yard and street side yard setback.
10.   Driveways and Vehicular Access:
a.   Mobile home parks shall be located on or have two (2) direct accesses to public street, of which no more than one (1) may be onto Highway 89. No individual mobile home space within the mobile home park may have direct access to a public street.
b.   Any driveway shall have a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet, except when a driveway is located between parking spaces, it shall have a minimum width of thirty (30) feet.
c.   All driveways and interior streets shall be surfaced in a manner acceptable to Planning and Zoning.
d.   All plans and traffic engineering shall be subject to approval of Planning and Zoning and shall be based upon the spacing and maneuverability requirements for seventy (70) foot long trailers.
11.   Utilities. Each mobile home shall include cooking facilities, toilet facilities, and bathing or shower facilities, and shall be permanently connected to electric power, water supply and sewage disposal. All utility distribution and service lines shall be installed underground.
12.   Skirting. All mobile homes shall be skirted with fire resistant material that is not susceptible to rapid weathering.
(Ord. 06-678, passed 11-9-2006; Ord. 08-707, passed 10-23-2008; Ord. 10-729, passed 7-22-2010)