This district is intended to fulfill the need for high density multiple family residential development. Regulations and property development standards are designed to allow maximum flexibility and variety in residential development while prohibiting all incompatible activities.
1.   Multiple family dwellings. Each unit shall have minimum of 3,000 sq. ft. of land area.
2.   Customary accessory buildings, provided such uses are incidental to the principal use.
3.   Churches or similar places of worship.
4.   Recovery residences.
5.   Assisted living homes.
1.   Privately owned and operated parks and recreation areas and centers.
2.   Group homes.
3.   Nursing homes and convalescent homes.
4.   Temporary home and land sale offices, provided they are located within the same subdivision as that land and homes which are offered for sale.
5.   Public utility buildings, structures, or appurtenances thereto for public or private right-of-way is exempt from this requirement.
6.   Schools.
7.   Residential facilities for the developmentally disabled as described in A.R.S. §§ 36-581 and 36-582, which are licensed by the Department of Economic Security.
Because no list of uses can be complete, the interpretation of whether a use not specified is consistent with the intent of this zoning district and may be allowed as a conditional use or, where discretion is allowed, a permitted use shall be rendered by the Zoning Administrator with appeal to the Board of Adjustment.
1.   Minimum Lot area:                   N/A
   All lots less than one (1) acre in size must be served by a water and/or sewage disposal system approved by the Town of Chino Valley.
2.   Minimum Lot Frontage:                   75 feet
3.   Minimum Front yard Set Back:             See Section 4.28
4.   Minimum Side Yard Set Back:             10 feet
5.   Minimum Street Side Yard Set Back       See Section 4.28
6.   Minimum Rear Yard Set Back:             20 feet
7.   Maximum Building Height:                35 feet
8.   Maximum Lot Coverage:                40%
9.   Accessory Building shall be setback 10 feet from side and rear property lines and must conform to the front yard and street side yard setback.
(Ord. 06-678, passed 11-9-2006; Ord. 08-707, passed 10-23-2008; Ord. 10-729, passed 7-22-2010; Ord. 14-785, passed 7-8-2014)