Except as otherwise required by Arizona law, the town council may waive the requirements set forth in this subchapter upon finding that doing so is in the best interest of the town. Criteria justifying such a finding include but are not limited to: situations where timing or expediency is critical; special or unique qualifications of an individual, firm, vendor or item(s); the procurement of additional goods or services under an existing contract; or to comply with specific requirements of a gift or grant.
(Ord. 13-775, passed 10-22-2013)
The Tax Code is adopted by reference and hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if set out in full.
(Am. Res. 614, passed - -2000; Am. Ord. 537, passed - -2003; Am. Res. 614, passed - -2003; Am. Ord. 04-581, passed 6-24-2004; Am. Ord. 06-658, passed 5-25-2006; Am. Res. 06-791, passed 5-25-2006; Am. Res. 06-824, passed 12-14-2006; Am. Ord. 06-681, passed 12-14-2006; Am. Res. 08-876, passed 6-12-2008; Am. Ord. 08-704, passed 6-12-2008; Am. Res. 09-916, passed 9-10-2009; Am. Ord. 09-722, passed 9-10-2009; Am. Res. 11-967, passed 9-13-2011; Am. Ord. 11-751, passed 9-13-2011; Am. Ord. 16-826, passed 12-13-2016; Am. Ord. 18-843, passed 2-13-2018)