For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPLICANT. Any person who files an application with the town for a building permit.
BUILDING PERMIT. A permit required for the erection, construction, modification, addition to or moving of any building, structure or use in the incorporated area of the town.
DEDICATION. Conveyance of land to the town for public facility purposes by deed, other instrument of conveyance, or by dedication, on a duly filed and recorded plat or short plat.
DEVELOPMENT FEES. A fee adopted pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-463.05 which is imposed on new development on a pro rata basis in connection with and as a condition of the issuance of a building permit and which is calculated to defray all or a portion of the costs of the public facilities required to accommodate new development at town-designated level of service (LOS) standards and which reasonably benefits the new project.
DEVELOPMENT FEE ACCOUNTS. The account(s) established for each type of public facilities for which impact fees are collected. The accounts shall be established pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-463.05.
DEVELOPMENT FEE DISTRICT. A defined geographic area or sub-area of the town and/or its planning area within which particular public facilities are provided and in which development fees will be collected, appropriated and expended for public facilities serving new development within such area or sub-area.
DEVELOPMENT FEE APPROPRIATION. Includes amounts appropriated in connection with the planning, design, engineering and construction of public facilities; planning, legal, appraisal and other costs related to the acquisition of land, financing and development costs; the costs of compliance with purchasing procedures and applicable administrative and legal requirements; and all other costs necessarily incident to provision of the public facility.
DWELLING UNITS. A room or group of rooms within a building containing cooking accommodations and designed to be used for living purposes. Each apartment unit, mobile home or mobile home space, or travel trailer or travel trailer space shall be considered a dwelling unit.
(1) SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING UNIT. A dwelling unit designed and used only by 1 family and which unit is physically separated from any other dwelling unit.
(2) MOBILE HOME DWELLING UNIT. A dwelling unit typically designed and used only by 1 family, which may be pre-manufactured and delivered to a building site for connection to utilities. This dwelling unit may include travel trailer units as well.
(3) MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT. A dwelling unit typically attached to another dwelling unit, such as an apartment, duplex, townhouse, single-family attached dwelling unit or mobile home dwelling unit located within a mobile home park.
(4) ALL OTHER DWELLING UNITS. A dwelling unit not described in divisions (1) through (3) above.
EXISTING USE. Development which physically exists or for which the owner holds a valid building permit as of the effective date of this chapter.
GENERAL PLAN. A generalized coordinated land use policy statement adopted by the Council and ratified by voters of the town pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-461.05.
GOVERNMENT IMPACT FEES. A fee imposed on all new residential and nonresidential development to fund the proportionate share of the costs of municipal office space, town owned and operated vehicles and major capital equipment.
LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS). An established minimum functional level of public facilities that must be provided per unit of demand or other appropriate measure of need.
LIBRARY IMPACT FEES. A fee imposed on new residential and nonresidential development to fund the proportionate share of the costs of land acquisition for libraries; library facilities, including construction, furniture, fixtures, equipment and technology; and collection materials including, but not limited to books, reference materials, audio and visual materials, periodicals and others.
NEW DEVELOPMENT. Any construction or expansion of a building or structure, or any changes in the use of the land that creates additional demand for public facilities or services (such as a change which results in an increase in the number of vehicle trips to and from the property, building or structure), and requires a development permit from the town.
PARKS AND RECREATION IMPACT FEES. A fee imposed on new residential and nonresidential development to fund the proportionate share of the costs of community parks; open space, including, but not necessarily limited to, open space lands, agricultural land preservation, purchase of land, development rights and/or construction easements and trails; and recreation facilities and improvements.
POLICE IMPACT FEES. A fee imposed on all new residential and nonresidential development to fund the proportionate share of the costs of public safety buildings and facilities, communication systems, vehicles and major capital equipment.
PUBLIC FACILITIES OR SERVICE. Public improvements, facilities or services necessitated by new development, including, but not limited to, water resources, transportation, police facilities, public works, fire and emergency medical services, community facilities, municipal facilities, water facilities, sewer facilities, flood control and drainage, solid waste disposal, open space, parks, utilities and educational facilities.
ROAD IMPACT FEES. A fee imposed on all new residential and nonresidential development to fund the proportionate share of the costs of transportation improvements and new roads designed to solve congestion-related problems that are anticipated from increased traffic demands resulting from new development, and including improvements to minor arterials and/or collectors needed for access and traffic mobility, but excluding project-specific traffic and transportation improvements such as turn lanes, individual traffic signals for the benefit of a specific development project, and the like.
TOWN. The Town of Chino Valley.
(2001 Code, Art. 16-2) (Am. Ord. 04-588, passed 12-9-2004)