For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context requires otherwise.
   AGGRESSIVE DOG. A dog that causes injury or reasonable fear of attack or bodily injury by violating § 90.05(A)(2).
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. A person who has the authority and is responsible for enforcement of the provisions and regulations of this chapter.
   ANIMAL CONTROL SHELTER. Any established location authorized by the Chief of Police for the confinement, maintenance, safekeeping and control of dogs that come into the custody of an animal control officer or police officer in the performance of their duties.
   AT LARGE. When a dog is not confined within the limits of its owner’s or responsible person’s property and not physically restrained by a leash, rope, cord, chain, or other device not more than six feet in length.
   COLLAR. A band, harness or suitable device worn around the neck or body of a dog to which a license tag may be attached
   DOG. A member of the canis familiaris, domesticated wolves and/or offspring of a dog cross-bred with wild animals or domesticated wolves.
   DOG OWNER. Any person owning, possessing, harboring, keeping, having an interest in, or having control or custody of a dog.
   DOG VIOLATION CITATION. A document issued by an animal control officer or police officer to a person who has violated a provision of this chapter.
   ENCLOSURE. A fence or structure suitable to prevent the escape of a dog or the entry of young children.
   EXCESSIVE DOG NOISE. Frequent, habitual, or continuous barking, howling, whining, yelping, or other irritating dog noises that are audible to one or more persons occupying property in the community or neighborhood within reasonable proximity to the property where the dog is located.
   IMPOUND. The act of taking or receiving any dog into the custody, of an animal control officer or police officer, for the purpose of confining it in the Chino Valley Animal Control Shelter in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   MICROCHIP. To implant an animal with a microchip tag linked to a national computer network for the purpose of identification.
   NEGLECT. Failure to provide for the health and safety of a dog, including but not limited to, failure to provide adequate food, water, shelter, exercise or necessary veterinary care to a dog, or to adequately confine a dog in a manner appropriate to its breed, age and condition.
   NUISANCE. That which causes offense, annoyance, trouble, or injury.
   RESPONSIBLE PERSON. An owner or other person who has the responsibility for the possession, care, custody or control of a dog, and has the authority and ability to act on behalf of, or in the interest of the owner.
   SEVERE INJURY. Any physical injury that results in a broken bone, puncture wound, or laceration, and that may or may not require sutures and/or cosmetic surgery.
   SHELTER. A structure capable of protecting a dog from present and potential environmental hazards.
   STRAY DOG. A dog that is at large and is not wearing a valid license tag and/or microchip device.
   TAG. Proof of a license that is worn by the licensed dog.
   UNDER CONTROL. When a dog is confined within the limits of its owner’s or responsible person’s property, or physically restrained by a leash, rope, cord, chain, or other device not more than six feet in length.
   VACCINATION. The administration of an anti-rabies vaccine to a dog by a veterinarian.
   VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Any establishment operated by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the State of Arizona, which provides clinical facilities and houses dogs and/or other domesticated animals for dental, medical or surgical treatment. A veterinary hospital may have adjacent to it, in conjunction with it or as an integral part of it, pens, stalls, cages or kennels for quarantine, observation or boarding.
(Res. 12-999, passed 12-11-2012; Ord. 12-760, passed 12-11-2012; Ord. 17-834, passed 10-24-2017; Ord. 2023-926, passed 2-14-2023)
Editor’s note:
   The definition for "dog" provided in § 90.02 was revised in editing the S-3 Supplement to reflect the correct Latin name.