(A) Site plan requirements. In addition to the requirements specified in § 50.46(F), the following materials or information shall be provided on the site plan when it is submitted to the Zoning Administrator for review:
(1) The location of public water supply wells within 1,000 feet of the site;
(2) The location of adjacent (within 200 feet of a property line) private drinking water supply wells;
(3) A complete list of the types and volumes of all hazardous substances (including fuels) used,
stored, processed, handled or disposed, other than those volumes and types associated with normal household use;
(4) Description of types of wastes generated and method of disposal including: solid wastes, hazardous wastes, sewage and non-sewage wastewater discharges; and
(5) Provisions for management of stormwater runoff.
(B) Operating and monitoring plan requirements. At a minimum, an Operating and Monitoring Plan (or “Plan”) shall contain the following elements, for approval by the Village Council:
(1) General information.
(a) Name, title and address of owner of the land on which the prohibited use or structure is located;
(b) Name, title and address of the operator, authorized agent or other responsible person if different from the owner of the land;
(c) Name of the business;
(d) Address of the prohibited use or structure;
(e) Type of facility, operation or site; and
(f) Size of the prohibited use or structure, including, where applicable, lot acreage, square footage of any buildings, number of employees, and the like.
(2) Operating or performance standards.
(a) The plan must specify under what standards the prohibited operation, facility or site will be operated or performed. These standards must ensure that all possible efforts are made to reduce the likelihood of contamination of the groundwater supply.
(b) If any state or federally promulgated environmental protection standards exist for a particular site, industry, business, facility or operation, then the plan must specify what those standards are, and how they will be implemented.
(c) If no state or federally promulgated standards exist, or in addition to the standards, the plan must indicate what the most current Best Management Practices (BMP) are for that particular site, industry, business, facility or operation and how those Best Management Practices will be implemented.
(3) Monitoring provisions.
(a) If state or federal laws, rules or regulations require groundwater monitoring by a particular site, industry, business, facility or operation, then the plan must specify what those requirements are and how they will be implemented.
(b) If no state or federal laws, rules or regulations require groundwater monitoring by a particular site, industry, business, facility, or operation, then the plan must specify by whom, by what method, where and how frequently the groundwater under the property will be monitored.
(4) Reporting schedule.
(a) The owner/operator of any prohibited use or structure shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator annually summarizing the monitoring results for the year, including any contamination that may have occurred and the remedies that were undertaken to protect the groundwater.
(b) No annual report is required for septic tanks or impervious surfaces located within Wellhead Protection Overlay Districts. These uses will be allowed to continue indefinitely, although no future expansion will be allowed, provided that the other requirements of this section are met.
(5) Performance bond. The owner/operator of any prohibited use or structure is required to engage an accredited performance bondsperson to ensure complete compliance with the terms of the approved Operation, Monitoring and Amortization Plan. The plan must specify the name and address of the Bondsperson, as well as the amount of the insurance obtained.
(6) Other requirements. Additional requirements may be imposed if further protection of the village's groundwater supply to the public well system is warranted, including groundwater monitoring beyond the amortization period specified in the plan. Factors which shall be considered include but are not limited to the toxicity of the substance, the amount of the substance, proximity of the condition to the well, soil conditions, topography and other factors pointing to the degree of risk posed to the public water supply.
(C) Approval process for operating and monitoring plans.
(1) Plan submission. The owner or developer shall submit 10 copies of the Operating and Monitoring Plan to the Zoning Administrator for consideration by the Village Council.
(2) Plan review. The Zoning Administrator shall review the Operating and Monitoring Plan and prepare a recommendation for the Village Council, based on the plan's compliance to the regulations specified in this subchapter and the potential threat to the village's public water supply. The recommendation shall be made within 30 calendar days of the plan's submission date.
(3) Plan approval. The Village Council shall approve the plan if it is in compliance with this subchapter and contains sufficient precautions and remedies to protect the village's public water supply. Operating and Monitoring Plans not approved by the Village Council shall be revised and re-submitted within 30 days.
(Ord. passed 11-16-1999)