(A)   General. For all subdivisions, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat, containing all required information, to the Zoning Administrator at least 15 days prior to the regular Planning Board meeting at which the plat is to be considered. Seven copies of the preliminary plat and all supporting information shall be required, provided that additional copies may be required by the Planning Board. The application, the preliminary plat, and all supporting information must be deemed complete a minimum of 15 days prior to a Board meeting in order to be scheduled for a Board meeting. Additional time may be required if outside technical review is needed.
   (B)   Staff review and approval. Upon receipt of the preliminary plat, the Zoning Administrator shall review it for compliance with this section and other ordinances and regulations of the village. The Zoning Administrator shall meet with any person or agency deemed necessary for adequate review of the plat, and shall complete such review within 15 days after submittal. If all applicable requirements of this section are met, the Zoning Administrator shall approve the plat and submit it to the Planning Board. If all applicable requirements of this section are not met, the Zoning Administrator shall disapprove the plat and return it to the applicant with deficiencies noted.
   (C)   Information required. The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of not less than 200 feet to 1 inch. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Title block. Subdivision name, subdivider's name, address and telephone number; north arrow; scale (denoted graphically and numerically); date of plat preparation; location of subdivision (township, county and state); name, address, telephone number and seal of registered surveyor preparing plat.
      (2)   Boundaries. The boundaries of the tract or portion thereof to be subdivided, with all bearings and distances accurately shown.
      (3)   Property lines. Property lines and owners' names of adjoining properties and/or adjoining subdivisions of record.
      (4)   Natural features. Significant natural features including wooded areas, marshes, major rock outcrops, lakes or streams or other natural features affecting the site.
      (5)   Physical features. Existing physical features including buildings, streets, railroads, power lines, utility easements and village limit lines both on or adjacent to the land to be subdivided.
      (6)   Land to be subdivided. If the land to be subdivided warrants special consideration because of topographical, sloping land, rock outcrops, or other conditions peculiar to the site, the subdivider shall submit upon request, a topographic map of an appropriate interval.
      (7)   Vicinity map. A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to the surrounding area.
      (8)   Street specifications. Proposed streets showing pavement widths, if applicable, rights-of-way, curbing, if any, and proposed street names.
      (9)   Street plans. If a street is to be dedicated for public use, a letter of approval for the proposed street plan shall accompany the preliminary plat indicating that street plans have been reviewed and approved in the following manner:
         (a)   Street plans shall be reviewed and approved by the North Carolina Department of Transportation prior to preliminary plat approval;
         (b)   Street plans shall contain all data. Calculations and information as required by the North Carolina Department of Transportation; and
         (c)   The developer shall meet all other requirements on G.S. § 136-102.6.
      (10)   Water and sewer layouts. Sketch view of proposed water and sewer system layouts (excluding individual wells and septic systems), shall show the location of lines, line sizes, approximate location of manholes, pumps, hydrants, force mains and the connection of the proposed system(s) with the existing systems.
      (11)   Approval. Approval of proposed water and sewer systems (see § 154.082 for further details):
         (a)   If a new public water supply and/or sewage disposal system is to be utilized, a letter of approval from the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. In addition, when any expansion of an existing public system is utilized, the preliminary plat shall be accompanied by a letter of approval from the owner of the public system.
         (b)   If individual wells and/or septic tanks are to be utilized, a copy of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Rutherford County Health Department for review and recommendation. The subdivider shall submit a written statement from the Health Department indicating that each lot is suitable for the individual systems, or in the alternative, the subdivider shall submit a written statement indicating that in lieu of the certification, the subdivider will comply with the provisions of § 154.044 of this chapter.
      (12)   Lines. All proposed lot and street right-of-way lines with approximate dimensions, lot and block numbers, all easements, designation of any dedication or reservations to be made, and proposed use of land if other than single-family detached residences.
      (13)   Acreage. Total acreage in tract to be subdivided; smallest lot size in square feet; total number of lots; zoning district, if applicable.
      (14)   Setback lines. Building setback lines.
      (15)   Preliminary subdivision plat.
         (a)   The preliminary subdivision plat must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence as to the proposed method and system of water supply and sanitary sewage collection and disposal.
         (b)   The installation of all the systems except wells or septic tanks serving only 1 connection shall be required prior to preliminary plat approval unless financially guaranteed.
         (c)   The systems may be owned and operated by a public or private entity. Any well or septic tank or alternative sewer disposal system serving only 1 connection shall be approved by the County Health Department prior to preliminary plat approval. For all new systems or expansion of existing systems serving 2 or more connections, approval shall be according to state statutes. All subdivisions containing 5 or more lots shall install water lines of 6 inches or greater to be able to serve property owners when water service becomes available.
         (d)   Subdivisions having 10 or more lots shall be connected to the village water system or shall be served by an independent community water system. The system shall be designed to provide minimum fire protection as required by the Village Council.
         (e)   Where access to the village water distribution system is available within ½ mile of any new subdivision or the extension of an existing subdivision, the subdivision or extension of an existing subdivision shall be connected to the village water system. Where an independent community water system is established, the system shall be connected to the village system and dedicated to the village at the time as the village is able to provide service to the subdivision.
         (f)   The preliminary plat shall be accompanied by written assurance that plans for the new or expansion of existing systems have been approved by the appropriate state and/or local agencies. If the developer wishes to install the new or expanded systems prior to preliminary plat approval, then submission of the preliminary plat shall be accompanied by written approval of the installation of the systems by the appropriate state and/or local agencies. Prior to preliminary plat approval, if the developer wishes to financially guarantee the installation of the systems, then submission of the preliminary plat shall be accompanied by written approval of plans for the systems from the appropriate state and/or local agencies. In addition, the village will require that all water and sewer installations meet the requirements contained within this chapter, as may be amended from time to time. Whenever any conflict occurs between these requirements and those of the appropriate state and/or local agency, the stricter of the 2 requirements shall apply.
   (D)   Preliminary plat review procedure.
      (1)   First consideration of the preliminary plat shall be at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board that follows at least 10 days after the plat is submitted. The application, the preliminary plat, and all supporting information must be deemed complete a minimum of 10 days prior to a Board meeting in order to be scheduled for a Board meeting. The Planning Board shall take action on the preliminary plat at its first consideration or within 60 days of its first consideration. Should the Planning Board fail to act on the preliminary plat within a 60-day period the plat shall be deemed to have been denied.
      (2)   Before acting on the preliminary plat, the Planning Board may request a report from any person or agency directly concerned with the proposed development, including the District Highway Engineer, County Health Department, and the other officials or agencies thought necessary. The reports shall certify compliance with or note deviations from the requirements of these regulations and include comments on other factors which bear upon the public interest.
      (3)   If the Planning Board approves the preliminary plat, the approval shall be indicated on 4 copies by the Chairperson or other authorized member of the Planning Board. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider, and 3 copies shall be retained by the Planning Board.
      (4)   If the Planning Board disapproved the plat, the reasons for the actions shall be stated in writing and entered in the records of the Planning Board. One copy of this statement shall be transmitted to the subdivider within 14 days of disapproval and 1 copy shall be retained by the Planning Board as part of its proceedings. The subdivider may make changes and submit a revised plat which shall be submitted, reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Board pursuant to this section.
      (5)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall be valid for 1 year unless a written extension is granted by the Planning Board on or before the 1 year anniversary of the approval. If the final plat is not submitted for approval within the 1 year period or any period of extension, the approval of the preliminary plat shall be null and void.
      (6)   The subdivision preliminary plat shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $100 (plats approved by the Planning Department shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $25).
(2002 Code, Art. VII, § 703) (Ord. passed 4-1-1985; Am. Ord. passed 8-6-2001; Am. Ord. passed 10-16-2002; Am. Ord. passed 8-23-2005; Am. Ord. passed 10-18-2005; Am. Ord. passed 6-20-2006; Am. Ord. passed 8-19-2008)